FANDOM: Battlestar Galactica/X-Files Crossover
SUMMARY: Her old life on Caprica seems very far away right now.
PAIRINGS: Mulder/Scully, Roslin/Scully
SPOILERS: Lay Down Your Burdens
DISCLAIMER: These characters do not belong to me and no copyright infringement is intended on my part.
NOTE: An excerpt from this story was originally posted to
bsg_pornbattle . This story, being a crossover, is fairly AU, although it's arranged around the actual events of Lay Down Your Burdens.
If you're an X-Files fan and have never seen Battlestar Galactica, or vice-versa, I encourage you to give this a try all the same. If you'd like a quick BSG/XF synopsis (warning: it is spoilery),
go here.
Give me another miracle. )