Another week, another day, learning relaxing walking bad choice of shoes, doesn't really surise you does it?
I like uni I like the pace and the freedom to choose, the social aspect. I've discovered the days seen very long if you enjoy them. Florey is still a silly lecture theatre, I always drif off, listen to the coversations around me gtbdistracted by the problems instead of the lecture. I think it's becuase I feel so removed from the lecturer, actually physically not that I don't understand the content. I like the statics content. This bus ride has only taken a few minutes which is so different to recent ones where I've been on there for the majority of an hour.
Home now and really should be working but I'm relaxing infront of iCarly instead. Discovered a new show called sci fi science which I'm looking forward to checking out on Monday. I'm enjoying he classes excep for elec eng at uni and I don't even mind doing the homework, mostly, and if I don't I know that ts unlikely anyone will check and it's on me to do and I know it does help with the content.
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