BSG crack!fic: A Two is a Two is a Two [Leoben]

Apr 27, 2008 22:38

Title: A Two is a Two is a Two
Characters/Pairing: lots of Leobens, worshipful mentions of Kara
Rating: PG
Length: 1900 words
Spoilers: through 4.04 'Escape Velocity' and previews for next ep
Summary: “Brother Twos, Swimmers in the Stream of Life, Walkers and Seers of God’s Path, welcome to this week’s River service!” Set sometime during 'Six of One' before Natalie's little mutiny.
Disclaimer: Not in any way mine.
Notes: This is for lunar47 and her Leoben love because it all came out of a conversation I had with her, so she's responsible. :D

River Service of the Twos: Mandatory Model Meeting and Pot Luck
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