Jan 19, 2011 07:31
## Tyrol moves to Weapons Control, and repairs it
"Thanks, chief! I swear, we never even saw it coming!" - both control officers were relatively young, at least 5 years younger than him. - "Good thing, that there's someone like you around"
Then loud speakers above them came to life:
"Attention! Attention! All commanding officers, please respond to the CIC, I repeat, all commanding officers onboard, please respond to the CIC"
## Crisis!
"Legendary discovery":
1. Skillcheck TAC/PIL 14
success: +1 to the distance immediately(can and will activate Sleeper phase, can't win the game).
failure: -1 food, -1 raptor
2. Запуск рейдеров.
3. No jump
game 5