Title: Outfoxed Pairing: Scully/Mulder Rated: T Word Count: 2330 X Files fic I wrote as a gift for branwell2000’s birthday. As it is my first foray into the fandom, thanks to bugsfic for the beta.
I still love, love, love the Clue bits. It feels like something the writers would have done in later seasons. It's so interesting to see what future canon you haven't seen yet that you managed to key in on!
Thanks for jumping in the pool and putting up with my bossy boots beta! :D
Well, this was fun. The thing I love the most about Mulder is his sense of humour. And the way that Scully pretty much just ignores his quips and carries on like he hasn't spoken. Hee.
Two, two, two fandoms in one storybranwell2000September 11 2012, 14:14:42 UTC
Thanks so much for the delightful birthday story. Scully had me persuaded to her solution, and then “Kobayashi Maru!” Didn't see that coming. Bravo! I hope XF continues to inspire you as you watch, and we can look forward to more stories.
I agree with Bugs that you are anticipating the direction the show actually took. You've really captured the spirit of XF here.
Aw, this was so fun! Loved all the Clue references and the Kobayashi Maru comments were perfect (and Mulder would totally do that, too, change the test so he could win.) Nice work. :)
Comments 8
i love the escalation in casual friendly body contacs =D *giggle* and all the trekkie references i couldn't pick LOL XD yay for wikipedia =P
it still feels so strange to read XF from you XD awwwww ♥ next rewatch??? *-*
You know I'm going to make you watch the ST movies next!
Body contact. *snort* You're waiting for that smut biscuit!
It felt strange to write it! They're so young. ;)
Tomorrow? (probably your today...confused!) I have the next couple of days free anyway, so we should be able to squeeze in a few eppies.
Thanks for jumping in the pool and putting up with my bossy boots beta! :D
Well, this was fun. The thing I love the most about Mulder is his sense of humour. And the way that Scully pretty much just ignores his quips and carries on like he hasn't spoken. Hee.
It's okay. I'm used to your bossy boots ways. ;)
I agree with Bugs that you are anticipating the direction the show actually took. You've really captured the spirit of XF here.
I hope I made you smile a little. :)
Thanks for being so welcoming with your friendship.
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