Title: Insanity Underrated
amidala_thracePrevious Chapters: Can be read
Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee mentioned; chapter's mainly Lee, Kara, and other characters
Word Count: 5,545
Spoilers: Through S3's "Precipice"
Disclaimer: These characters are owned by RDM, Skiffy and Universal. I am owned by three cats, a beat-up Honda and some debt. Obviously, no copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13 for continuing disturbing themes
Summary: Right now the only potential I have is the potential to kill you.
Author's Notes: Second verse same as the first: this keeps on with the slightly disturbing themes, so forewarned is forearmed. ;)
Read it here @ jedionpaper (Crossposted to the usual suspects - apologies if you see this a few times!)