Title: Insanity Underrated
amidala_thracePrevious Chapters: Can be read
Characters/Pairings: Kara/Lee; mentions of others
Word Count: 4,634
Spoilers: Through S2's "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2"
Disclaimer: These characters are owned by RDM, Skiffy and Universal. I am owned by three cats, a beat-up Honda and some debt. Obviously, no copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Summary: “I’ll always come back, Lee. If I can, I’ll always come back.”
Author's Notes: Chapter 50 is mostly a bridge chapter, covering quite a lot of ground and setting things up for events to come, but there is also some extremely self-indulgent fluff in there. I needed self-indulgent fluff to brace myself for what's to come ...
Read it here @ jedionpaper (Crossposted to the usual suspects - apologies if you see this a few times!)