First of all, deadlines going forward have been extended to Sunday night of the week after the challenge is issued, 9 days if I get the damn thing out on Friday as I should.
Second -
Challenge for week of March 04, 2005 - "Private moment observed"
Choose two characters aboard Galactica. Character A is in private or at least thinks they are, and has sought out this privacy in order to do something . . . private, secret and/or personal. Something that they don't want to do in front of others, but need to do. Character B discovers Character A and watches quietly, not letting on that they're there while Character A does whatever they sought out privacy to do. You can do Character A or B's POV, but please stick with one throughout the piece.
Yes, you can go porny with this, and please do if you're so inclined, but there other ways you can go. We all have a lot of private rituals/shit we do when think no one is looking. Aboard the Galactica I'd think the pressure would get to all of us after a while.
Don't forget to warn for spoilers, and have fun.