Feb 18, 2005 23:41
Due to the utter buttfrak that is my working life right now, I didn't get a chance to do a summary post for last week's or this week's challenge. This will be rectified over the weekend. :)
This week's BSG 1000 challenge is as follows.
Choose a character. Time frame must be within the first season, anywhere from episode 1-13. However, if you pick a story past "Six Degrees of Separation", you must remember to note the episode your story has spoilers for.
Center your story around what that character thinks and feels about his or her job. Not work in general, but the job they have at the moment depicted in your story. Any genre, any rating. OC or canon character. I'd love to hear what jobs other people in the fleet have, in this post apocalyptic caravan. Main characters and secondary characters are more than welcome. Billy, in particular, catches my eye.