12/23/05 CHALLENGE- Wip Amnesty/Letter

Dec 23, 2005 14:34

First off, Pretty new bsg1000 header. Shiny. :)

Second, in order to make things easy for you, this week's challenge is to hack out and polish off 1000 words of any current BSG wip you have. Chances are you have a fic or two mouldering on your hard drive, and chances are at least 1000 words of it are readable. Pull out a 1000 scene/moment/section/whathaveyou and shine it up enough to stand on its own, then post it here. :) Feel free to toss in Authors notes (behind the cut) where it came from, the status of the story, etc... or tell us nothing at all.

If you don't have 1000 words of BSG goodness (or lameness) hidden away in a directory, your instructions are simple. Pick two characters who know each other but are separated as of 2.10 (or 1.13, if you haven't caught up yet). First person, set directly after Pegasus (or KLG2). No spoilers past 2.11 please, but if you absolutely must, please mark them clearly. Doesn't matter if the person doesn't actually have paper and pen, or whether they would/could send it. People can compose letters in their minds.

And feel free to do both if you are so inclined.

1000 words, plus or minus 100. Titles, warnings, ratings, spoilers what have you. Posting here gives implicit permission for archiving at the (soon, I swear) BSG1000 archive unless you state otherwise. All other archivists should ask (or see if the author gave blanket permission. Het, slash, gen, all pairings and ratings welcome. No RPF/Actorfic, sorry. Crossovers welcome.

And... there we go. It's good to be back. Are you psyched? I'm fucking psyched. I hope a few of you come back and participate in bsg1000 this semi-season. :)
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