Jul 30, 2005 00:08
Squeeeee. That's what I felt after tonight's ep, and that's what I want to read about.
And damnit, that's what I'm going to write about (not right issuing a challenge and not responding yourself.
I want you to take a character of your choice, either as they are at the end of episode 3 (or as AU or spec as you want to get after those events), or at the end of whatever the last episode your Austrailian (Senegalese, whatever) ass saw.
I want you to take that character and give them a moment of squee. They might not use that word or think about it in those terms, but big or small, I want some hysterical laughter or chills or sly, shy grins. I want some squee injected into the lives of our poor, infinitely frakked characters.
And I want it in 1000 words.