Ficlet: "Look Back" (Tyrol, gen, 1000 words)

Jul 23, 2005 09:27

Title: Look Back
Author: Flora
Characters: Tyrol, with mentions of several others.
Words: 1000 even
Rating: gen.
Challenge: wild card week
Spoilers: through last night, I suppose (2.2).
A/N: This is a bit of an experiment with format. We'll see whether it works. Mentions of character deaths, though no one major.

Look Back )

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Comments 6

inell July 23 2005, 19:54:35 UTC
Read as instructed, Master. Didn't understand a bloody thing beyond basics but it's read! So there! *sticks tongue out* Well written but you could write an entry in the phone book and it would be well written!


fairestcat July 23 2005, 22:36:35 UTC
*loves* I adore Tyrol and you really got into his head here. He holds up under the pressure well, but I hurt to see the deaths and disasters piling up around him, because he's the Chief and he's always going to feel responsible. And, oh man, I hurt already for when he gets back to the Galactica and "Sharon".

A couple typos I noticed, just so you're aware:

it's abandoning hope, I thing. -- That should be, "I think" right?

Not there there's a ton of hope here, -- "Not that there"

Perhaps it cab wait a moment. -- "perhaps it can wait"


florahart July 23 2005, 22:46:49 UTC
Thanks. Fixed 'em. Yeah, I was just imagining him thinking, all right, well, all of this sucks but Sharon wasn't here, because you know he's still a mess about her anyway. And then thinking how much he hated losing his people that first time, you know?


burntcopper July 25 2005, 20:29:30 UTC
Nice one on Chief.


florahart July 26 2005, 01:10:14 UTC
Thanks. :)


leda13 July 29 2005, 00:10:33 UTC
Great to see Tyrol in the breakdown; he's a strong, stoic kind of character with such great weaknesses. Beautifully written, well done.


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