
Nov 26, 2009 01:21

Had something long typed up, but I hate writing very introspective stuff and whining. I start at BioWare on Monday, as an Infrastructure Engineer diving deep into their branching and merging system. That doesn't seem like something that requires a programmer, but for reasons I'm not sure I can talk about... yeah it does. I will also be working on other build-related tasks like automated testing, deployment, patching, and so on.

It's not the most exciting work, but it's a new foot in the door, it fits in very well with a lot of my experience... and it's work that needs to be done. Although it's not direct, improving the development cycle of the rest of the people there can help everyone do something bigger, better, and more awesome than otherwise.

On the other hand, I feel like I haven't handled this process very well; a big part of that was just not being sure what I wanted, but next time I'm unemployed I'm going to try to move a bit more deliberately and with more focus. Hopefully, though, it won't be for a while. Despite reaffirming my love for working on games, I'm still not super keen on the layoffs.


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