Hello all,
I hope it's okay for me to post this here. If not, please let me know and I'll delete it.
A few years ago, the community
short_takes was created as a BSC femmeslash fic challenge. The way it works is that every two weeks, a new poll is posted to pick a theme (usually a specific member of the club) for the next round. After the round's theme is decided, another post goes up to allow people to sign up to participate in that round by indicating both what they'd like to write and what they'd like written for them. Participants are then emailed with their "assignments" and given a week to write their fic.
Sound confusing? See a sample sign up post
here to see how they work.
Anyway, the community has been more or less dead for close to two years, but we're giving it a go again. If you'd like to participate, please come vote on
which round we should start back up with and then keep an eye out for sign-ups, which will go up at the end of the week.
(x-posted a little; sorry if you see it more than once)