Oooh...I want to join the stamping fun!
Name/Nickname: Nikki. No real nicknames, but my kids call me mommy or mama.
Age (no one under 13, please): thirty blah-blah years old. Let me put it this way, I started reading BSC when they were first released in 1986. Yes, that makes me pretty much one of the elders here. Now you kids get off my lawn. *shakes fist*
Yourself in 3 words: Reader. Writer. Daydreamy.
Strengths: I have a good sense of humor, not that I'm really hilarious, but in that I love jokes and comedy. I'm pretty attuned to others' thoughts and emotions. I'm a fiercely loyal friend. And if I do say so myself, I'm a damn good parent. I generally don't care what people think of me. Also, I'm a fantastic breast-feeder, which isn't something you'd think is such a strength, but I have a lot of friends who've had trouble nursing their kids and it makes me feel like my body is awesome. Like I'm all empowered, yo.
Weaknesses: I'm super awkward in new situations. I curse like a sailor. I'm prone to bouts of laziness. I'm a couch potato.
Likes: The internet, Doctor Who, Buffy, 30 Rock (Tina Fey is my God), snark, comedy, fanfiction, karoke after a few beers, watching soccer, satire.
Pet-Peeves: poor grammar. Bad parents
Hobbies: Reading, Blogging, Writing. Watching TV. Playing with my kids. Baking.
How would you describe your personal style? I'm very much a jeans and a t-shirt type of gal. Also, I hate shopping for clothes so I tend to wear the shit out of my clothes, so my jeans and t-shirt are often faded and worn and misshapen. It's super-attractive.
Food: This Maryland Crab soup at this restaurant near my parents. It's so good, it nearly makes me weep thinking about it.
Snack: chocolate covered pretzels. Nom nom.
Color: blue
Type of music: indie rock, alt rock. singer-songwriter type music.
Movie: I generally go for comedies, particularly of the R-rated variety. But my favorite movie ever is the Irish indie Once. It's so beautiful and the songs are gorgeous and even though the ending isn't particularly sad, it's so emotional that every time I watch it, I have a big lump in my throat.
Animal: My dog. Not dogs in general. My dog is awesome though.
Book Genre: Contemporary and literary fiction. YA Fiction.
School subject (even if its been awhile!): In high school it was English. In college, Research Methods
Sitting Charge and Why? Jackie Rodowsky. He reminds me of my own son.
Minor Character and Why? Ducky McCrae from California Diaries. Because he's super nice and the kind of guy I'd want as my best friend.
BSC pairing and Why?: Richard and Sharon 4eva. They are really well-matched.
BSC Book?: Logan Likes Mary Anne!
Favorite BSC vacation spot?: Sea reminds me of my own summers as a kid in Ocean City, Maryland.
LEAST favorite BSC Character and why?: Karen. Do I really need to say why?
If you want to, include a picture of yourself or just describe what you look like!
I'm short and skinny. Brown hair which used to be partway down my back, now is just above my shoulders. I wear glasses and have a crooked front tooth that dentists always want to 'fix', but which I'm OK with. Honestly, just think of the most average looking person you can, and that's me.
Any additional info you'd like to tell us? Nah, I'm good.