the next few days will be crazy because i'm getting another wisdom tooth taken out, so i decided to go ahead and post the end of our saga before i'm knocked the fuck out from pain. sorry i haven't responded to the comments on part six yet, things have been busy, but i did read them and they made my day. i love you guys. :D
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They really do look like crocs. The only thing that sticks out to me is the little heel on the leg she has lifted up. Do crocs have heels? I admit I'm used to the flat crocs.--i don't think they do. i've never owned any myself, but i'm pretty sure they're all flat. ah well.
I agree. I can see jotting down a few plot points so I can work on the story at a more convenient time--same, spending the rest of the vacation with her head buried in her notebook is such a waste. she may never get to see paris again, why spend the entire time totally oblivious to everything around her?? if i got to go somewhere like paris, i'd bring my notebook, but just to take a few notes on things that i saw, because it'd be a once in a lifetime opportunity. i'd probably even wait to write the notes until i was back at the hotel. but take lots of pictures to illustrate my notes. lol. seriously, she's wasting the trip.
There's no way I won't laugh at that. Good and loose just doesn't sound like a good description at all! I'm picturing everybody either drunk, high, or wildly having sex.--same here!
Yay, it's Kylie! I'm especially loving the Dr. Who gif underneath!--kylie was awesome on doctor who! :D
Oh my god. *sinks in chair*--i know, right? she just HAD to ask him if he baby-sat. i'm glad she dropped it when he was like, "WTF?" though. at least she had enough sense to do that.
*applauds* I love it!--lol, thanks!
Enjoyed the snark! :)--i'm so happy you did! :D next snark will be up ASAP. i actually managed to write the whole thing in ten days, but recovering from all the bullshit from my wisdom tooth extraction has been taking so long i haven't gotten to put any of it up.
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