welp, spring fever/mania must be in the air, because thursday i power-snarked and finally managed to finish this thing! i was shocked when i found out my snark of this book is actually 215 fucking pages long, which means it's officially almost as long as an actual super special. no wonder it took me so long to write
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--Seriously burst out laughing at this! "I'm in ~luv~ again." :D
she says she's 'totally, totally in love' with paris. yeah? you gonna give paris a handy under the bistro table at dinner while your mom and friends awkwardly look on, pretending not to know what the hell is happening?--LOL!
but stacey wants to play the hero so she runs to get it before her mother can.--I'm picturing Becky right now. Remember the episode when Roseanne invited Chip's family over to eat and Becky was interested in "The Tongue Bandit" and she had invited him over? She kept trying to rush everybody along so she could meet this guy out in the yard. So yeah, I'm picturing Stacey rushing everything so she can go back to doing the stuff she wants to do.
he was talking to the can. trés weird.'--*rolls eyes* It really doesn't seem weird to me. tbh it makes perfect sense to me. I really don't understand why these girls make such a huge deal about talking to certain things...whether it be the man's urn, pets, etc.
is it weird that claudia talks to a portrait of mimi, too? or is it okay because she's a member of the BSC?--Good one. I'm not saying everybody does this but I imagine you have enough people that talk to a grave, to an urn, etc.
i talk to my mother quite regularly even though she's been dead for just over ten years now, it helps me cope when things are rough.--And that makes perfect sense in my mind.
i tried to imagine what he had looked like back then. as a young man in uniform. dodging enemy fire. it was impossible.--Impossible would by the word I want to use but for different circumstances. I just can't picture Stacey being serious and not thinking of herself. Can I picture her imagining what he looked like in uniform? Yeah. With a follow up of "I could see myself falling in luv with a man in a uniform."
oh, yeah, everyone was just taking selfies during combat, stace, that's how they won the war -- by taking better selfies than the germans! --LOL! print screen + save
of course at least one of them would have to be "movie-star handsome," right? to keep stacey interested in the story. --lol, for real.
"anastasia mcgill," mom said, raising a skeptical eyebrow, "you want to give up a day of paris in order to go to normandy?"--I think I would've pulled her to the side to ask her that. Not to mention I'd be worried about a possible whining fit later on. "I wish we had went to Paris instead since this is just so BORING."
though maybe she should've waited until mr. anderson had left the room to ask.--True.
you're really fucking complaining right now? this isn't about you--It wouldn't be a BSC book without somebody complaining about something. :D
LOL at the Butt Hurt picture!
"no arms! what a gyp."--I've already went into my art thoughts on other snarks so I'll leave this a rather short comment. A lot of this stuff is really in the eye of the beholder. She sees no arms and assumes it's a shitty piece. She might think something's a wonderful piece while others think something else is better. I guess this is just more of the typical BSC shit. "If I hate it that means EVERYBODY has to hate it."
'"i am leaving," michel declared. "you are hopeless."'--Can we possibly have this character move to Stoneybrook?
they made me think of baby-sitting, and stoneybrook. both of which i was missing like crazy.'--Weird. Have fun, Kristy. You can have fun without babysitting/kids.
don't think it's so much that he realized where his arms were, but that something suddenly came up, if you know what i mean.--LOL and at the picture too!
WHY would MARY ANNE volunteer for SPORTS? ohhhh, because logan did. that's the only reason.--*groans* lol, I seriously doubt there's anybody in this world that'd make me volunteer for anything sports related. I just hate them that much!
leaving mary anne in the dust, weeping like a baby i'm sure:--Perfect gif for Mary Anne!
"go, girl!" claudia shouted.'--I love this!
i wanted to crumple up and cry.--Holy shit. No words to describe this scene
right now, cokie is closer to being like a real thirteen year old than any member of the BSC. --True and I love the plastic bag picture!
Enjoyed the snark! :)
I'm picturing Becky right now. Remember the episode when Roseanne invited Chip's family over to eat and Becky was interested in "The Tongue Bandit" and she had invited him over? She kept trying to rush everybody along so she could meet this guy out in the yard. So yeah, I'm picturing Stacey rushing everything so she can go back to doing the stuff she wants to do.--LOL. i totally remember that episode!
*rolls eyes* It really doesn't seem weird to me. tbh it makes perfect sense to me. I really don't understand why these girls make such a huge deal about talking to certain things...whether it be the man's urn, pets, etc.--seriously, considering some of the truly whacked out shit they do, they need to grow the fuck up and stop being such judgemental hypocrites.
Good one. I'm not saying everybody does this but I imagine you have enough people that talk to a grave, to an urn, etc.--exactly. screw stacey.
Impossible would by the word I want to use but for different circumstances. I just can't picture Stacey being serious and not thinking of herself. Can I picture her imagining what he looked like in uniform? Yeah. With a follow up of "I could see myself falling in luv with a man in a uniform."--yeah, i'm having trouble picturing her being concerned about someone or something other than herself, too. and also, LOL, i can totally see that!
LOL! print screen + save--YAY!! :D
I think I would've pulled her to the side to ask her that. Not to mention I'd be worried about a possible whining fit later on. "I wish we had went to Paris instead since this is just so BORING."--i totally would've pulled her aside to ask that, too. and i would've been worried about the same damned thing, because she is so fucking self-centred.
It wouldn't be a BSC book without somebody complaining about something. :D--true!
I've already went into my art thoughts on other snarks so I'll leave this a rather short comment. A lot of this stuff is really in the eye of the beholder. She sees no arms and assumes it's a shitty piece. She might think something's a wonderful piece while others think something else is better. I guess this is just more of the typical BSC shit. "If I hate it that means EVERYBODY has to hate it."--true, it is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own tastes when it comes to art. but you're also right about the BSC's mentality of "if i hate it that means EVERYBODY has to hate it."
Can we possibly have this character move to Stoneybrook?--ugh, i know, right? i fucking miss this guy already…
*groans* lol, I seriously doubt there's anybody in this world that'd make me volunteer for anything sports related. I just hate them that much!--same here, there isn't a thing in the world that would make me volunteer for sports. fuck sports.
Perfect gif for Mary Anne!--thanks, i found it by accident and thought, "HOLY SHIT, THAT'S TOTALLY MARY ANNE!" lol. i couldn't resist.
I love this!--me too! i love that claudia is finally Team Janine. at least for the rest of the book…
Holy shit. No words to describe this scene--i know. :/
True and I love the plastic bag picture!--ha, ha. i found the picture by image searching "baby-sitting" it was priceless.
Enjoyed the snark! :)--thank you so much! :D
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