Judging by the comments on my previous thread, this book strikes an emotional chord with a lot more than just me.
Also wtf is up with the title? Susan isn't a damn secret. The fact that she's autistic isn't a secret.
Brace yourselves for lots of headdesking )
I'm totally a lurker, but I have to chime in on the "just what the fuck is wrong with Jenny Prezzioso?" bandwagon. My daughter was EXACTLY like this kid at that age (and a lot like California Stephie later on); she much preferred wearing pretty clothes and keeping them clean, and was a quieter kid who was happy drawing pictures, looking at picture books, quietly playing with toys, etc. I would have shanked anyone who said she was "prissy" because she, unlike the Pikes Californian DeWitts, didn't enjoy lighting things on fire and flinging shit at one another. I hate the whole idea that "Kids totally have to be spirited, all the time! They must be loud, rude, obnoxious, annoying, and yell a lot in order to prove that spirit! If the kid is quiet, they must be emotionally damaged!" Just..ugh.
So this is a babysitting chapter with the Karen Show playing Let's All Come the Fuck In.
Please don't ask me why, but this had me laughing a lot more than was probably originally intended. Karen Brewer annoyed me when I was a wee thing reading the BSC Little Sister series. On page two of her first book is a picture of her with her hand on her hip and this shitty little smirk and I remember being barely old enough to read and thinking "she looks like a snotty little shit."
The comments section in the last portion of the snark was very enlightening to me; I've rarely dealt with those who are autistic. The only bone I'll throw friggin' K-Ron in this is that being thrown into a sitting job with a young kid who has special needs that you know absolutely NOTHING about is all on the parents, and I grudgingly admit I can't fault a 13 year old for wondering why an 8 year old child who's autistic can't just get up and go play like the other kids she knows. All I can say is I'm glad this is fiction.
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