Welp, girls. This is a bad one. In this snark there will be-Capslock rants, multiple punctuation marks, copious amounts of cursing, a list of assholes, too many italics, some grody pictures, and my descent into madness. But, that's okay! Cuz I love it! I need to get my anger issues out somehow and I'm too lazy to decapitate hookers on GTA so, I
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And riddle me this, aren't oh...plane tickets expensive?!--lol, I wish somebody would've said that to her. Mary Anne gets salon trips and shopping sprees and you get plane tickets to go back and forth so stop complaining. And I also want to know why Sharon didn't pull Dawn aside and ask her what her problem was and to knock it off.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were going to have a makeover?” Dawn asked me--I brought it up and I was damn near laughed under the bed. It's my hair and I wanted to change. Got a problem with that?
If I didn't know bitch ran through your veins like shit through the Paris sewers, I'd say you're just pissed you got schooled in individuality by mousy Mary Anne.--lol! But your end point is also true. The writers should've looked up the definition for individuality because Dawn sure as hell isn't one. I'd label Claudia one over Dawn.
As she does, she starts to feel guilty about getting her hair cut.--This is so wrong on so many levels.
I just wish on her plane trip, she got sucked out the window, went through the jet engine, then landed in the 'Crocodiles with STDs' convention.--lol, I'm honestly thinking of that episode of The Twilight Zone with William Shatner seeing the creature on the outside of the plane. Wouldn't it be a nice twist to put Dawn in William's role and the creature get Dawn?
'Ew! You better be a vegetarian doctor! If you're touching me with meat hands, I'll rage vomit all over you! Ugh! Why is that nurse comforting my mom?! Pay attention to me, you stupid bitch!' I hate Dawn so fucking much. Beautiful baby my ass.--lol!
Cokie who hates Mary Anne's guts.--I really doubt Cokie and her friends are half as bad as the club paints them out to be. They certainly can't be any worse than the BSC.
They 'joke' around telling her they said it wasn't her and that 'it'll grow out'.--I'm rather boring when it concerns my hair but if I got my hair cut short and I liked it, I'd absolutely be ready to tell them that "The hair isn't on your head and I like it. Piss off."
She's happy!--This is the thing that bothers me the most. I can understand being truly sympathetic if Mary Anne went for a trim and they cut off way too much, she's crying because her hair is so short and it'll take forever to grow back. When the girl is happy and loves her new look, so be it! Maybe it's not something Dawn, Kristy, Stacey, or Claudia would do to their own hair or wear the clothes Mary Anne bought. But isn't that the nice thing of being able to do what you want with your own hair, wear the clothes that make you happy, etc. But Mary Anne obviously shouldn't have that option according to her "friends".
MA asks Logan to come to the BSC meeting later so she won't have to face them alone--She should've just quit. There's no reason for Mary Anne not to tell her favorite clients she dropped out of the club and to contact her at the house if they'd like to ask her to babysit.
MA eats alone with Logan because the BSC is treating her like she has the kind of leprosy you only get from fucking donkeys.--It's sad that books like this don't really get the girls thinking what a true friend is and how they act. I can understand not being able to get away from Dawn since she lives in the same house with you. But the rest of these girls should be cut off and avoided as much as possible. This just isn't healthy. None of it.
My headcanon is that Dawn totally started it, hoping Logan would get pissed and MA would be totally alone.--I wouldn't be surprised. These girls truly are psychopaths. And I was having high hopes that Claudia would remember the shit the girls pulled when she was hanging around with Ashley and refuse to act like a bitch/snub her friend for such a dumb reason. Can you imagine the shitstorm if one of these girls got a backbone and did that? "I like Mary Anne and she's my friend. She's a good person and I refuse to ditch her because the rest of you are acting like bitches."
Logan tells her he won't be able to make it to the next meeting and gives her some tips about what to do if they start acting bitchy.--Just don't go!
Oh, are you sure you can make it? Because some people would rather spend time with their boyfriends'.--"I sure as hell can't hang out with my "friends" because they all have sticks up their asses and are acting ridiculous."
aren't as bad as they seemed--I figured as much. It was a mindless cult thing. "the club hates these girls so I have to hate them too."
There's also a funny aneurysm moment when MA wonders if the BSC is stuck up.--Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep this thought in your head and don't let it slip away from you!
be nice.--No, there's just no such thing. This shit reminds me of cases where somebody is being physically abused and the other person apologizes, swears they'll change only for the shit to keep happening. I know Mary Anne Saves The Day is being snarked at the same time your snark is going on. I think I remember Mary Anne talking about how she didn't have many friends outside of the club and the twins she sometimes hangs out with are more of Kristy's friends. So it really is a case of do I choose to be alone or do I stick with these shitty friends? It's just horrifying abusive friendships are such a strong theme in this series. And it's not a case of calling out a warning for an abusive relationship, it's normalizing and making it seem like it's no big deal.
Logan tells her that's extreme and shut up, Bruno. I was on your side.--She's really alone.
MA says that Richard and Sharon know something is up between her and Dawn, but want them to work it out themselves. Which is stupid. I get that it's just for plot reasons, but it's still stupid. Sharon def should have taken Dawn aside and tell her to stop being such a brat.
I brought it up and I was damn near laughed under the bed
That is a VERY good point. It's like, the BSC said it wasn't a good idea so, that should have been the end of it regardless of how MA felt.
I don't even know what the BSC is thinking in treating MA the way they do. Dawn has the 'excuse' of being jealous, but what was with the others? It just makes no sense. I hate this book.
I would have LOVED if Claud had remembered the Ashley situation and taken MA's side. But this is a BSC book, nobody learns lessons except the clients whose problems, (even dyslexia!) are cured in a week. I also wish MA had said something to K. Ron about hanging around Logan. She should have said, 'Well, Logan has been NICE. I can't say the same for you. He seems to think I can do what I want with my OWN hair.'
fucked up that these girls are promoted as "the best friends you'll ever have", when they are so insanely abusive, not only towards one another, but just about anyone who crosses their path. it's more like, "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" really disturbing shit.
The healthiest eaters I know, the sort who eat only organic everything from scratch, including some vegans (Dawn is close to vegan), occasionally eat sweets instead of acting like the world will end.
Cokie who hates Mary Anne's guts.--I really doubt Cokie and her friends are half as bad as the club paints them out to be. They certainly can't be any worse than the BSC.
Cokie and her friends do nothing the BCS doesn't do, and since we don't know how the fued started, it could have been the BSC. They NEVER are nice to Cokie or her friends, yet she's actually been nicer toward them, even complimentary.
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