Babysitters' Club Special Christmas

Dec 06, 2014 12:21

Kristy is cleaning out the closet in Liz and Watson's room and takes it upon herself to decide that Elizabeth should get rid of this rather cute black dress because she never wears it because it’s ugly. Then she inappropriately almost dumps Elizabeth’s wedding dress because she “never wears it” and what? Where else would she wear her wedding dress, other than at her wedding? Besides, it is common to hold onto a wedding dress. It is a sacred item.

In the next scene, the babysitters prepare for the party at the hospital. Again, I question the realism of these kids doing this independently without any assistance from hospital staff. They even bring in the Christmas tree for the room.

Stacey has a stomachache and is nagged by Dawn again and I already said my opinion about this.

A kid, Ned, who has a broken leg, enters. Poor kid. I wonder why he is still hospitalized- I know that broken legs need to kept in traction, but his doesn’t appear to still be going through that process.

Kristy continues to several chores around the house. At one point, she ends up stepping in a bucket of mop water as she frantically raced to answer the phone and… I thought she had like a huge family with a ton of people. Where are all these family members and why can’t any of them answer the phone?

Meanwhile, Stacey isn’t feeling well while babysitting Charlotte. Charlotte looks a lot younger than I picture her for some reason. Also, her voice is really annoying.

Claudia enters a store, telling the clerk she needs to find a gift for her secret santa, and asks where the perfume is. However, she enters an area that does not it contains perfume, and decides instead to put on a Halloween mask and a hat. Mary Anne then strolls in, asking the store clerk the same question, as Claudia, but asks where the bath toys are, and… what? Why the hell is Mary Anne getting one of the BSC members bath toys? Claudia spots Mary Anne and tries to hide. Mary Anne squirts herself with one of the bath toys and then acts all surprised when it sprays her in the face, and Claudia and I start cracking up. Then Jessi comes in, then Dawn, and at the point, the store clerk has it all figured out that she is buying a gift for her secret Santa, since the past three girls have made that request. Why do they have to say the gifts are for their secret Santas anyway? Why can’t they just say they’re looking for a gift or something? It seems weird.

Each girl tries to hide from each other, but it's unsuccessful, and when they find each other, they do their usual: Crack up. Don’t worry that you are acting like hellions in public. This scene is supposed to be amusing, and I am not amused.

We open in some kind of dessert store where the girls are opening up their Secret Santa gifts. It looks like Mallory got the bath toy. Why does this whole thing make sense now?

They order dessert, and once again, Stacey snags a brownie and Dawn confronts her. However, I can’t help but notice that the platter clearly has seven brownies on it. Maybe they shouldn’t have tempted Stacey by getting an extra one. Stacey is also showing signs of dehydration as she downs water and asks the waitress for more. The girls then toast things like the BSC and friendship and other corny shit and then of course Jessi chimes in with, “Here’s to ballet,” in case we forgot about her one personality trait. And seriously, does Jessi care about anything else? I guess, as we noticed before, she cares about getting in Santa’s pants so there we go, two interests for Jessi.

We then see what each BSC member is doing the night of Christmas Eve as Jessi’s voice, reading “The Night Before Christmas” to Becca plays in the background. We see Mallory, looking like a boy, hanging up the many, many Christmas stockings for her and the rest of the Dugger clan. Kristy and her mom sit by their Christmas tree and Kristy receives her mitt. I am too busy wondering where the hell the rest of Kristy’s family is. Why are Kristy and her mom just alone opening presents by the tree? Dawn and Mary Anne yell “Merry Christmas” out their window, and do people actually do that? Claudia has left cookies out for Santa and is writing something I am unclear on. Poor Stacey lays in bed looking distressed and then calls out to her mom that she doesn’t feel well as solemn music plays.

The next day, the BSC members sans Stacey show up for the par-tay. They’re all miffed about Stacey’s absence. Dr. Johansen enters, and tells them Stacey is in room 522. They think Stacey has started decorating without them, but Dr. J says that Stacey is a patient there. They ask if they can see her, and Dr. J says, “I think that'll be okay”, but… didn’t you just say what room she's in? Doesn’t that imply that you are prompting them to visit, and now you “think” it will be okay?

Poor Stacey is trying to get better and her peace is disturbed as the rest of the BSC come barreling in and start berating her for not telling them she wasn’t feeling well. She’s sick right now, leave her alone. Although, Stacey claims that just seeing them makes her feel better, d’aww. She’s so medicated; she doesn’t mean it. They ask if she wants to come to the party and she says that maybe she will come later.

The party begins. It really does seem nice, but I have to wonder, where are these kids’ parents? Why aren’t they at the party? Wouldn’t you want to be in the hospital with your sick child on Christmas, (if you celebrate Christmas)? Jackie is adorably dressed as Santa and handing out presents and Charlotte is inexplicably dressed as an angel, and Karen is surprisingly not there. Anyway, nothing snarky really happens here.

Ned comes and is given a snow globe. Kristy, actually very sweetly, gives him her baseball mitt, saying she has three already and he deserves it more. I can’t believe Kristy is actually being nice and selfless. This is shocking. And it is actually a warm moment. Stacey arrives, and the BSC and guests break out into “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” Dawn, Stacey, Kristy, Mallory, Claudia, and Mary Anne all sway with their arms around each other as they sing, while Jessi unaccountably stands a reasonable distance away from them. Wow, they’re a bunch of racists.


Anyway, this was only my 2nd snark, and I’m still learning the ropes, but hopefully I did okay anyway. Hope you enjoyed it!
P.S. Can someone tell me how to shorten the post so the whole doesn't appear, and you have to click it to see the whole thing? I'm not sure how to do that :( I am sooo bad at this.

tv episode: the baby-sitters club's spec, pot calling the kettle jessi, tv series

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