So I've set up the Facebook group... because I think some of you were concerned, I did want to clarify something - this isn't a replacement! LJ is bsc_snark's home, and if LJ's still around in 2044, bsc_snark will be too if I have it my way. :) Rather, I'd like it to be a place to post things we may not normally talk about (such as the unintentional hilarity of other 90's book series with "club" in them - seriously, what was with the 80's/90's and clubs?), post links to snarks, that sort of thing. As the group's description says, it's an extension. So no worries, we're not selling out to Zuckerberg.
Here is the
link... there's not much yet, I'm afraid. It's closed, meaning people can find the group, but have to join to see posts. It's the closest thing I could find to "flocked."