Nov 30, 2012 14:59
ann's non-bsc works,
things ann knows nothing about,
bad parenting,
slam book,
ann m. martin wrote this book,
what in the deep-fried hell?,
non-bsc snark,
this will not end well,
this shit just got real
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she’s going to kill herself because she just can’t cope with any more abuse and degradation.--She's clearly reached her breaking point.
Anna’s “head begins to whirl.”--This bitch is really making the bitches in the BSC look wonderful in comparison. What'd you expect would happen? There comes a certain point when a person reaches a breaking point. You used innocent people for your own bullshit. Did you expect her to laugh it off and say "It's cool, it's a hilarious joke and I loved being a part of it!"
Anna and random dude deem this “really weird,”--Wow, it's just so bizarre and batshit crazy to want to be with somebody that loves you instead of sticking around and having to put up with a bunch of bullshit from people that hate you. SO BIZARRE!
Anna breathes a sigh of relief (NO REALLY) at this “proof” that Cheryl was really crazy and thus her suicide probably had nothing to do with the slam book or the note. --This "book" really isn't fit to wipe my ass with if I ran out of toilet paper.
Anna goes to Cheryl’s funeral,--No, you really shouldn't have went. I realize Cheryl had a lot of shit going on in her life. Your stunt was the straw that broke the camel's back. You have no business being there.
At the burial, Anna muses about whether Cheryl, who committed suicide, should be allowed to be buried on church grounds, because suicide is a sin. --I literally want to beat the shit out of a fictional character right now.
“Not that Anna wanted to see Cheryl given a sinner’s grave. It was just something to think about.”--Anything to keep you from thinking "Gee, if I hadn't used Cheryl in my bullshit scheme, maybe she wouldn't have killed herself?!" my fucking goodness, I HATE this character.
Anna thinks if she got rid of the slam book, she might be socially unpopular!--*sighs*
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