Feb 04, 2004 21:45
I don't know how to feel about "us".
I know that everything is going good. Well good is not the right word to describe our relationship, its more like ~Awsome~. As of right now your all I have ever looked for in a woman. Your Intelligent, Outgoing, Beautifull, and your a very charming girl to be with and have a conversation with. You never make anything borering or dull. I know your hard headed and you get "everything":/ you wan't. You also have an attitude. I can work with that and i guess I might need a girl with those characteristics to tell me shit straight out. A girl that's hard on me and tell's me from time to time what to do.(Don't get carried away though!) But babe we all have problems and things that just make us who we are. You, you get "everything " you wan't ,your stubborn, and you have a big ass. Me, well me I'm not going to talk about,that's for you to decide. Babe we're not perfect, nobody is but we have to live with our mistakes. With you I don't wan't to make any mistake's. Why? I don't know that's how i feel at this point in time. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel different, but I'm not worried about tomorrow I'm worried about now. "Iam here for you Babe don't forget ;)." I LOVE YOU
Oh! One more thing Babe as of right now your as close to perfect as you'll ever be.
1/25/04 11:44 pm