Aug 07, 2004 23:33
we went to chili's, i just about died cause...well first of all, it was one of those days where i didnt' feel like dressing up, i looked like one of those celebs who go out looking like bums, i had on these black loose flood pants, my white bazooka tee, white sandals, and my von dutch hat, i threw my hair back into a ponytail (i had just gotten out of the shower, so it was still wet). so we go to chili's it's freaking packed as a mother f***er! there's a 10 min. wait, so i'm waiting out there, and a whole freaking group of guys walk by! then a waitress comes out and starts telling her friend that a new waitor started tonight and that all the girls are inlove with him! he's blonde, tall, every freaking thing i like in a guy! lol, ok so i'm shiting in my pants right now. so we go in, it's packed, and straight across from me there's a whole table of guys! one looking like nick lachey! so i immediatley make a sharp turn and go to our table, i look to the left hot guys! look to the guys! they wouldn't get away from me!! so by this time i'm pulling my hat forward. so we sit in our booth, our waitor was totally sweet, but too damn hyper! dear gosh! he tried hitting on me, asking me if i worked around there, where i'm from, oh your hair looks nice! ok so maybe he wanted a good tip, cause my hair looked like shit! and then my mom says take it down, so by now this guy thinks i'm trying to impress him or something. so then i spot the hot new waitor! ohhhh my gosh, on top of being hot, his hair! his body!! that's my new fave resturant! karina, jenna! we gotta go there!! well tuesday should be an adventure...hehehehe. good night peeps! *kisses peace fingers, hits chest twice* peace!