quick update.

Sep 06, 2005 20:15

just a fast one before i leave for my 830 Biology lab which is three hours and ungodly boring.
other than some of my stupid classes, i'm loving college.
this weekend i went to burlington w/ a bunch of people from my floor & we had a grand ol time.
shopping was fabulous.
i absolutely love the people i live with. all we do is laugh, which is so sweet.

hypocrisy is dumb, so is getting pleasure out of another persons dire unhappiness.

i'm ridculously tired. college is tiring, mostly because i feel like i don't get any sleep and i have all early classes.
i'm starting my work-study job today so that i can have a little extra money in my pocket. come visit me at the student resource center...its like bay state physical therapy part II. answering phones, making folders, stuffing envelopes. too bad i make significantly less money.

&& now i have to leave. i don't wanna walk outside dude. its kind of cold this mornnnning.

&& my girls...you need to call me :)
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