Aug 10, 2005 11:08
update on my life you ask? well here it is.
monday night was clearly laguna beach night at james' apartment which is nicer than my house. we've gotten hooked on another new show...Beautiful People. Watch it once and you'll be addicted. we also played 13 Dead End Drive, because we're THAT cool.
tuesday night...i picked up christopher and we went to the mall. got sakkio. im going to miss that so much. uhh. went bowling with Lauren and Pat. GUESS WHAT. i finally did it. I DROVE ON THE HIGHWAY. gooooo me. Lauren & i BEASTED bowling. wooo. then chris came over. details to follow.
-i actually thought i was ready for college. this that disprove this theory:-
!while watching Laguna Beach monday night, LC said goodbye to stephen as he was going back to USF. I cried.
!last night chris and i were cuddling on the couch and i burst into tears for no goddamn reason. everything was just perfect. and i started bawling. because i knew that i couldn't have that in 2 weeks. im so pathetic.
i bought some books for school today. i it and bought my bio book for 60 bucks, and i went to barnes and noble because i had a $200 giftcard and bought 4 books for my freshman seminar for 62 bucks. i'm doing well so far- only two classes left.
the fact that my biology book is 1300 pages is slightly intimidating.
tonight, potentially attending a SMC bbq in canton.
thursday--potluck dinner @ james' apartamento, hopefully resulting in a sleepover.
friday--last day of work everrrr! & ELLiS HAVENNNNNNN.