I feel like me...lately it's not been a normal thing, but it's a good thing.
I actually did a lot this week...I probably did more this week than I have all summer combined with the exception of going out to Dave's in May.
Monday Richelle and I watched Mean Girls then went out for a bit of a long drive...from Canton to part way to Cleveland...lol. It was fun.
Friday night was July For Kings in Canton. Richelle and Esther(who I met for the first time and is very cool) came over to my house, then we went to Wendy's and headed off to Canton to drive in circles a few times before parking and heading to the Summerfest. There we met Mikey and AJ and their friends Ashley, Hayley, and Steve.
Summerfest is small, but drunk people like it. If you like your ears, don't subject them to Canton Idol unless you don't really have much of a choice, like us. It wasn't pretty.
Heather got there and it was cool to see her. I think Colleen mentioned she was going, but I forgot until she got there. There were some other people I recognized, but couldn't tell you their names. Kacey(I'm sure that's spelled wrong) came from PA, I met her at some of the Cleveland shows last year. I'm all for another Pittsburgh show.
Anyways, JFK took the stage around 8-somethng and played until 10 and this is a not-in-order set list with stuff maybe missing...it was a long and awesome set:
One By One
Like That
Just Right
Perfect World
Float Away
Like A City
Modern Girl
Normal Life
Blue Eyes
Meteor Flower - Joe and T
Blue - Joe Solo
Six Hour Drive
Girlfriend - Not the Bob Guiney cover this time...lol and I saw nobody doing the Girlfriend dance, did you bomb them all Katie...lol
The Distance
It was a fun show. We hung out with the guys afterwards for a little and Richelle and Esther got to meet them all. It was a great night. I remembered how much I love
After my interview(which went well, he didn't even know I was coming), I went over to my grandmas. My grandpa went into the hospital on Friday and my aunts and uncle were taking turns watching my grandma, so I told my mom I'd come over for lunch. 11? 11:30? I didn't remember when...so I planned on getting there at 11:15...she said 11, I got there 11:30ish. I decided 76 would be the fast way, and it might be, if you don't drive past the exit...lol...maybe I was thinking of going somewhere else, it was 76 east:) Actually, I meant to miss the exit, I just thought the other exit came out closer to Ravenna than it did...lol My mom didn't care I was late though. I hung out there for a little bit and then came home and called Jen. My grandpa got released today/Sunday...he had pneumonia, he was only in for a couple days, they probably caught it fast enough it didn't get too bad. So I called Jen and I wasn't originally gonna go to the Columbus show, but decided to go down and hang out with her then we went to the show.
Got down there and didn't need to drive in circles for an hour to find her place! We hung out for a while. played with the kittens, or cats, which are getting quite big. Around 7 or so we went down and had dinner with the band at the sushi place nextdoor to the Newport. Then someone gave us tickets, thanks whoever you were. We didn't feel like going in and watching opening bands so we went outside and hung out some more and went over to Urban Outfitters. Got back in time for 2 or 3 7th echo songs and then it was time for JFK. We got up to the front row to the right, in front of Drew. It was a cool show. I guessed most of the setlist for Jen, and for the most part got it. We had a good time! I don't remember all the crazy stuff we though up but it was cool. I hadn't seen her since the Edwin show at the end of April, and hadn't really talked to her for a while.
I get to go to my {sarcasm}favorite place on Earth{/sarasm} tomorrow! Or I could [and most likely will] put it off till Tuesday, I'm good like that. They, and I, have that stuff so messed up...that stuff being insulin. My fast-acting/meal one doesn't work much, and 24 hour/background one is way to powerful. I asked them how you can tell if its gone bad if its not cloudy. Now, instead of saying they didn't know, or something intelligent, they ask me to check the expiration date. Maybe people miss the obvious? But when it says EXP Date: 08/2006 in a relatively normal easy to read font it shouldn't be hard to miss that or interpret. I wanna take the really bad one(this is the 2nd one I've had thats gone bad, this one hasn't broken down visibly yet though) and ask them if that's bad and should I stop using it. They also told me to increase my other insulin to 5 less than I was currently taking...granted I added 2 to it myself a few weeks ago, they should have know about the 5 units that the nurse changed. I shoulda done it anyways and sent in numbers in the 400s or something. They've done similar things before(like increasing it to what it already was). Just gets annoying, fast. I don't think a 225 drop in only 8 hours without trying is normal, not to mention the 150 in 5 hours last night. Lucky I had caramels, pure sugar for the most part, with me. Its so extreme. I start the day sooo low, under 100, and get to and stay around 200 because the one doesn't work. Unless of course I take 4 or 5 units when I should take 1 like I did yesterday at lunch...I didn't even bother with any at dinner though and rice is something that will have a big effect.
Someone had Earshot lyrics in their away message. If I were to ever use an away message and feeling creative, there are 2 preset Earshot ones. Though, the JFK Pilot one most fits my life right now. I quit with the creative ones cuz someone was trying to be more creative answering them and it just got old...and when I have them on I forget to turn them off...lol