Aug 02, 2004 15:52
Posting this well after the show, but written in the afternoon before the show.
Dave told me not to, but I'm gonna anyways.
This isn't something that came out of the blue, no, it's been building up.
It weren't for Cathy and AJ going to Columbus, I probably wouldn't have either.
Misty, you really annoy me sometimes. Last time I got real mad at you, you did feel bad, you said you hated me being mad at you or something. I try hard not to make people mad and usually don't show it when I am. Healthy, on some levels but not on others.
I did not show you how annoyed I was over you picking on Cathy and stuff about the picnic. No, everyone else(Dave, AJ, and Cathy herself) got to hear it, but not you...maybe that was wrong, but I get sick of dealing with it, knew everyone was tired of it, and I just wanted that to end so why have me complain about it and drag it on?
Lets see, if Cathy is up here with us(AJ, Mike, Lili, and I), and she needs to go to Cincy to go back to Courtney's as well as eventually the airport, and there is a concert in Columbus, all ages, which is for the most part, a halfway point, hmmmm, yes we'd go so that crap about "I didn't know if she'd really go"...whatever. Had you even asked in the past 2 or 3 weeks since the picnic? Even if she was in Cincy and wanted a ride up I think I could even arrange that. There wasn't too big a question if she was coming.
I think the worst part is you acted so freaking happy and proud you invited Dave and know Cahty won't like that. Plans changed, luckly, but we were gonna stop by your house and hang out with you for a little while, since you made no effort to at the picnic, I thought that you might like that. Whatever though.
--------Written sometime, edited today------------------------
And thats what I was truly mad about. Mad at Dave for coming, no, that wasn't what set me off. Mad at you cuz he was coming, again, no. Just mad at how you were acting or seeming to act about it, maybe I read it wrong.
I didn't want to explain what was wrong at the venue because A) Cathy was there and she didn't yet know Dave was, and B) I just didn't want to discuss it there, I wanted to get over it a little more, which I have.
Another reason I don't "fight" with you cuz you don't listen or care sometimes so its more or less a waste of time. Like I've told you that I don't like being called Becca, more or less you said you didn't care, you liked it, and you'd continue. So had I told you to lay off on picking on Cathy, it wouldn't have mattered one bit, or at least thats what previous experiences have lead me to believe.
I'm the one stuck in a hard place I guess you could say, I'm friends with both Dave and Cathy. I don't believe you care about Catherine anymore at all but what amazes me is your whole 180 stuff. 'Hate Dave like Cathy' to 'Hate Cathy like Dave'. Noo problems with you being friends with Dave, you just have weird ways of quickly switching. You can be friends with both of them, you gave Dave many chances, where are Catherine's?
------ Written Later the next day after the show -----------------------------
Part of the post I deleted yesterday was to you, the other line was not.
Dave called, lied to me for a while, I calmed down, he told me not to get mad at you, not to post all this, just not to, but I can't, I've stayed quiet too long.
If other people are mad at me, oh well, I can deal. We choose to stand on the right side(Travis' side) because thats where we wanted to be, not because we didn't want to stand with you guys. I really hope you didn't think it was that. We were perfectly happy over there, and the left side looked crowded anyways.
I'll talk to you about it, but I just wanted you to be able to read the whole thing first, I had it written, and I hate explaining long stuff in IMs anyways.