INDIA- where all brown is down

Aug 26, 2005 19:17

I just got back from India, and i am just about to leave for NYC. well in two days, time flies by quickly. Most of my friends are gone or will be going soon to college. insane, i know. its really here. i hope those who are gone are really enjoying and those abt to go ... i hope we really rock it.

AN update on my trip:

Mumbai: we landed in mumbai and on the way to the cars it poured and we got all wet. then when we say down in the car it stopped raining. this, my friends, exemplifies the Monsoon season. hahaha So we got home and slept at like 3AM. The next morning i woke up at like 10 and we got ready for this pooja (prayer). it went well after an initialy freakout when the person conducting it wasn't gonna come. That nite my family partied. The next day was the mehndi ceremony, so i got my henna done it was nice!! then i danced a bit and ate good food. that nite my family went out to dinner. the next day was a chill day. i don't remember what we did that day but i am sure there was some partying hhaa. and then we left the next mornign for Delhi.

NEw DElhi: we land and then chill in outr hotel where we basically took over the whole floor for the wedding people. We got ready and went to the Sagan, which is a ceremony where the rings and stuff are done. i had to perform a dance for this, and thank goodness it did go well. i got alot of compliments and hugsand all. Then there was a dancefloor.... hha i danced the whole nite and partied well! Then next morning was a pooja and then after that we celebrated rakhi ( brother and sister day) it was nice becuase my dad was with his sisters for the first time in a long time. Then we all got ready for the wedding. by hte time i got ready there was a pooja and they put the turban on my cousin. And then we drove off to the wedding. WE stopped at the enterence and danced outside with a band and stuff in true indian style! then we went in.. i was soo hot. and then danced inside to the dj a bit. then all these pictures and all this mingling. i found my company with my brother and my dad's best friend's kids who are in their early /mid 20s. it was nice, a huge party. my cousin got married and it was beautiful. then we sewttled them into their hotel room,. and i went down to eat. i ate and hten we got redy to leave. i was with the last 5 people there. While waiting for thecar, i passed out. it was weird, i think it was dehydration ( dancing, being hot, no water, dehydrating liquids) it was kinda idiotic on my part, but thats what happens without water. The next morning, i hung out iwth the family and then in the evneing i went shopping! bought shoes and bangles. The next mornign we woke up and went to the Himalayas.

The Himalayas: it was just the older crowd and me and my brother. we drove like 12 hours and part of the road was up mountains on narrow roads in which i thought i was gonna die. the ride was nice. there were random livestock on the roads sometimes and in the farmland. it wasb eautiful, and i had never seen india like that. I also had alot of time to just think to myself. it was really nice. So we got to our hillstation: Shilon. it was really pretty. We played some cards and partied a bit. Then we all fell asleep. Then edt day we went to the most famous hillstation: Shimla. shopped around! its so essential what cna i say. We came back to shilon and played cards and ate. The third day we went to Chail... these monkeys scared the crap out of me as they yried to steal our food. the driver had to walk with me carrying a huge stick becuase iwas so scared. Then we came back to shilon and played alot of cards, some political conversations, general festiveness. The next morning we left at like 8 in the morning to come home.

The Journey: we drove 12 hours back to delhi and then ate dinner at my dad's cousin's. amazing home!! and then we went ot the airport waiting like 3 hours .. went on plane. landed in paris.. 7 hours layover so i basically walked into all the shops and ate and read. then plane home from paris . i made two friends. the girl next to me was from princeton bt lived most ofh er life in Corsica. Then the person behind me was from rome and was starting grad school for international relations at nyu. He was treally intersting. told me all abt rome and europe and his backpacking experiences etc. i told him about... nj. ahahaha that and my india trip. it was a good convo. I also read alot of jane eyre.. but i have 100 pages more to go.

i hope the past two weeks have been as great for you as it had been for me. Hopefully pictures will be up soon... trust me they are something to see!

ohh and by partying its exactly what u think i mean..hhaha yeah for crypticness
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