10/28: Airport pictures!

Oct 28, 2008 05:46

Thanks, Nick Carter. This amused us. It was certainly more entertaining sanitary that what we've previously caught you doing at the airport!

This morning, Backstreet Boys Nick Carter and Howie Dorough (Howie D) headed out of LAX. Nick played around by pointing the lens of his own video camera in our direction.

Anyone know what Nick's doing toting that sizable HD cam around? Is there a new BSB reality show in the works?

(Also, Nick. We appreciate the Muppets shirt. No, like... really.)

Source: click

Uh, yeah you'll have to go to the source or here for the pictures because they disabled right-clicking and I don't feel like uploading. Nick is so hot. He might even be pulling that hat off.

Wonder if the camera has anything to do with TRL today. Oh yeah, they're gonna be on TRL today lol.

tour: unbreakable: airport, news

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