Happy birthday to
etsu_88! I know we're not that close, but we live in the same playground so we're pretty much sisters. So HAVE AN AJ/NICK PICSPAM IN HONOR OF YOUR BIRTH!
There was gonna be a theme, but I couldn't think of one lol. But these are the last 20 or so photos that I've saved into my little AJ/Nick folder.
Mmm, possession.
Naked arms, holy crap.
Kevin's not amused. But Nick is turned on.
Ah the almighty let's-just-shake-hands-instead-of-sticking-our-tongue-down-each-other's-throat-so-Brian-doesn't-tell-on-us-again tactic.
I dunno what's better: the close contact, I-own-you grip, or the person lifting their drink to the close contact, I-own-you grip.
I can't believe I haven't made my post about this shopping trip yet. Anyway. They try on clothes together in the same dressing room. Hell they've been doing it for over half their lives, why stop now?
This is when AJ suggested they share a room. Nick had the same idea.
Nick's undoing his pants, AJ's halfway down there, life is kind of really good.
Just fucking AWW!
I can go on forever y'all.
Ugh. Boys. <3
They are really into letting people know they're doing it.
Ah! Roleplay! Excellent.
This portion concludes the most recent pictures I've saved. But no AJ/Nick picspam is complete without the following:
Because yes.
And yes.
Oh yes.
And just fuck yes.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAT! I'm so happy you're in my life. Have a great birthday!