6/07: Howie doin', y'all.

Jun 07, 2008 11:42

Kristin loves Howie, you guys. Do you see how much she loves him? I'm in dire need of a 'Kristin loves the Boys!' post, because I'm pretty sure there are pictures of her individually with every single one of them, but unfortunately I do not have that kind of Google mojo.

So instead! Let's show some pictures that demonstrate how awesome Howie is. Because it is my mission in life to make everyone see his inherent loveliness. And, okay. He has his geeky moments.

Someone who looked THIS cute as a baby OMG HI PRECIOUS.

Someone who does does poses like this. How CUTE is he? No stiff, lame poses for the D-man! That whole photoshoot is the most amazing thing ever and I long for it in HQ.

Someone who can look cute like this.

And pretty like this. ♥

And HOT LIKE THIS asfk;skls;djkl;mfl!

Especially when he works out. Holy crap.

Someone who kisses his wife like this.

And, last but not least, someone who can PULL OFF SHOTS LIKE THIS. Embrace the shallow, I always say. Look how pretty he is.

This concludes my stint at bsb366! I hope you had fun. Though not as much fun as you will have when Kriss comes back, because she is obviously the best. although if you could get her to post about howie more, that'd be awesome. :D

media: pictures, -guest: bubbleforest, howie dorough

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