1/13: Unbreakable Play Counts

Jan 13, 2008 21:22

Because it's been almost 2 months since my last one.

Unbreakable Play Count Update

1. Intro61Up 4, not bad. I mean it is just the intro. But then it's AJ. Mmm.
2. Everything But Mine96Low in iTunes, but if you counted it in my car then it'd be a lot higher. It's quite an excellent driving song.
3. Inconsolable212Still not tired of this song. It's so super.
4. STIAK186I LOVE THIS SONG. If this song was Howie, I'd marry it. That's how much I love it.
5. HWSS239See above. The video could've been 239 times better though.
6. Any Other Way102Love this song.
7. One in a Million114Yay, it finally broke a hundred! I made a ringtone out of Brian's verse. Mmm.
8. Panic40I really can't listen to this song regularly. It's...weird.
9. You Can Let Go52Good song, not often played.
10. Trouble Is57Though I still skip the first 48 seconds.
11. Treat Me Right37This song is playd more often in my car.
12. LWKYUAN50What a nice, mellow song to listen to when making icons. Or just sitting.
13. Unmistakable174This song for the motherfucking win, still, too, also, as well. The wait after HWSS to get to this song is (almost) unbearable.
14. USA85It's higher in my car, promise.
15. Downpour48I'd always put this song on when it was raining because I was just amused like that.
16. In Pieces35Eh, it's okay...
17. Nowhere to Go72Again, it's okay. Now that I think about it, it has a very NON-like sound.
18. There's Us116God, I love this song. It's perfect.
19. Satellite7Uh. I usually stop listening to it after the Jupiter and meteors part.

Previous play counts can be found here.

album: unbreakable, misc: etc.

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