2/26: More airport fun!

Feb 26, 2008 00:35

AJ, I love you. I do not approve of your attire from the waist down, but as this post progresses all will see why I still think you're a neat guy.

The camo man-pris, no. The socks with the shoes, no. HOWEVER! On the phone, YES!

Watch as AJ talks on the phone, waves to the camera, pulls his suitcase, and remains sexy while doing so. That multi-tasking sonofabitch.

He's still on the phone! I don't know why I love that he's on the phone so much. I'd buy the iPhone if he was selling it. Oh, hey Nick.

Now watch AJ in the car. On the phone. And smoking. In the car. On the phone. I so do not approve, but I do.

image Click to view

Here they are arriving in Melbourne. AJ, you are 3 for 3 for being hot when you land. Bastard.

image Click to view

Picture source: click
Video source: streetsense

Hot AJ, tell me you're here to stay.

media: pictures, media: videos, tour: unbreakable: airport, *kriss: phone fetish, tour: unbreakable, aj mclean, aj: smokes

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