I may have a crush on a 12 year old.

Aug 28, 2005 16:28

So, this weekend, while dodging my responsibilities, I caught a little bit of the Little League World Series. And there is this kid who is amazing. He had 18 strikeouts in one game, and he's had 3 homers, including 2 grand slams. And he's 12. And he's so cute. To my credit though, he looks at least 16. Don't judge me because I err in my ways. Like, the kid looks old, and even the ESPN analysts noted that he has to carry around his birth certificate since a lot of the other coaches have commented on his maturity level. I mean, the kid rocks a goatee for pete's sake. And he's 12. And in an interview he said that girls have started following him around and trying to sneak into his hotel room. And this just confirms what we all knew all along...that 12 year olds are slutty. I blame Lindsay Lohan. Hopefully the kid doesn't give into temptation and end up strung out on Hollywood Blvd in the next few years because if he makes it to the majors, I won't feel so bad about the fact that we have an 8 year difference between us.

I love watching little kids play sports because they look so tormented out there. And there's so much pressure on them to do well. Like, if you watch the coaches very carefully, when a kid makes an error or strikes out, the coach looks like he wants to kill himself, but yet still must give some encouraging words, especially if the he's micced. There was this point when hot 12 year old was about to fight with the ump about a call, and his dad, who is an assistant coach, was yelling at him. Straight up yelling at him, and it was hilarious. It brings me back to my own youth when I was at odds with my tennis coaches. I know Chuck Klosterman is a bball guy, but I would love to read what he has to say about little league.

And also, I got my medical school office this past week, and have no clue to decorate it. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm a little torn about what poster I should put on my door. I was thinking The Breakfast Club, Mean Girls, Cruel Intentions, or The OC, if I can find them (and if I have enough money to buy them--posters are hella expensive). Plus if I put Mean Girls or Cruel Intentions up, people might judge me on that, and well, I wouldn't want people to think I'm a mean girl with cruel intentions would I? ;) It's as big as a bathroom stall, so there's not much room, but I'm saving space by being able to sleep on top of my desk, and not having to bring anything else in for that purpose.

And for the downer portion of my post (because you know I have to have one), I was reading some lj entries of people who go to my high school. And oh my god. It's like these kids have no sense of grammar and/or spelling. And that is my pet peeve. I hate when people mix up "your" and "you're," but I really hate when people talk in letters/numbers. You know what I'm talking about: u, 2, y?, b, 8, etc. And don't get me started on those who add "zz" to every word. I mean, it's ok if you're saying "k" or expressing awe by saying "o." But really, you can't type the two extra letters in why? You have to abbreviate a three letter word? It just looks so unprofessional (not like kids in high school are, but I'm convinced they will carry this with them throughout the rest of their lives since you won't be able to ween them off of it), not to mention obnoxious. You people are not PRINCE (or even Hammer), you cannot go around putting down thoughts in letters and numbers. I'm no master at grammar (just ask Ms. Shirokawa, my 11th grade AP english teacher), and I most certainly am not perfect in grammar or diction or whatever, but I can at least express myself in full words. It's not just kids from AH either, because I know my cousin and her little friends talk like this online. This nonsensical language is contributing to the downfall of American education. And that's all I have to say about that.

To end on a good note, how about another picture of my nephew.

rant, nephew, baseball

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