Here is the list of blinkies, graphics, and icons I've had made, don't steal them as the makers did put time and effort into them... and they have my name on them ._.
They are listed by alphabetically by maker with the communities where you can go and request your own if you are interested =]
last updated: 3 August, 2011 note: When I replaced my laptop I lost all of the graphics made for me between April and September of 2010. So if you know you made me something and do not see it this is why :(
Post became too large to fit into one post so as of 08/03/2011 the post has been split into two posts :) Makers with usernames starting with A-M can now be found here [ x].
seashellz @ blinkiesaurus *Ordered PRs from her in the past, she made them super fast; however, when there was one she couldn't animate correctly she simply had an 'oh well' attitude and just gave me the one with sloppy animation. A different, really sweet, maker re-animated it for me without me even asking. Wouldn't order from again.
tinkertrains @ starkura & pixel2blinkie & thepixelplace *One of my favorite makers. I bought a goodie bag from her that when she was raising money for a care package for the Marines and won a free life-time loved list pass. Her things are adorable, I definitely recommend her community!