Nov 06, 2005 19:41
this weekend........
FrIday * , went t0 sch0ol ( blah blah ) , after schoool i went to rachels before the game we were ab0ut late haha! . but then wwe all g0t on the bus anmd r0de to bullitt park ( woo hoo ) , we performed the star spangled banner with pv then turned around and did our fight song h0w awes0me is that haha!. they were like WTF?! haha but then after the game i went h0me .
SaTurDAy *, w0ke up and then like played the sims til i turned into an old pers0n! haha then i g0t ready cause me erin & lEi went out. Went crusied ar0und n0rton and ate and then went to bSg. we went by lance miLls h0use f0r like 5 mins and he threw trash in his neighb0rs yard! haha!! then we left there adn went rode ar0und in appy. we went t0 sarand0ns and halie's house and was there for a lil bit then WE GOT BRAD HALL OUT OF HIS HOUSE! haha we all went to Payless and J0rdan and P came up there. it was funny! then erin & lei took me to mamaws and j0rdan adn p went with us. P started dancin on j0rdan it was hillarious! and then we went over the bridge AND .. ( j0rdan said he had to let on before we left appy ) and s0 there was this AWFUL smeLL adn we all blamed it on him haha but it was the river! we t0ok like 283293279372 pictures and im gettin the deve;oped s0on hehehe! but they dropped me off at mamaws and chris bush came by to see niCK and stayed there til about 12 or 1230? but they were playin games and i got tired of watchin them so i went in the livin r0om and wtahced tv. then he left and everyone fell asleep .
ToDay *, welp i couldnt sleep late this m0rnin s00 i woke uip about 1030 and me & matt adn Mia w0ke steven up adn we all went to Hardeees / KFC. we came back h0me and ate and played the ps2 for ever. i beat matt and steven but they said they let me win suuureee haha! then i played with Mia f0r a lil bit and she loves cookies and the candy NERDS> haha she was a BAT f0r halloween. awwh! but she kept on puttin nerds in my mouth haha! she f0llowed me ar0und the h0use all day! haha She told Matt i love bwittny! haha and she cried last nite for almost an hour cause i left! Then nick g0t home and we all played the ps2 agaaiN! me and stevn went outside and made up a game haha it was liek tennis with a basketball but we used our hands haha it was retarted and i beat him ! btu then after that mom came and picked me up from mamaws adn i went home haha *
btu thats all f0r n0w.. too much typing =)