Oct 10, 2005 21:31
This week has been g0od so far. its spirit week .:
mon.> pajama day
tues.> mix & match
wed.> whiteT & sharpie day
thurs.>switch day
fri.> blUE & g0lD day
today ( which is monday ) has been g0od. i dressed out today haha! tomrrow i am too! Ill have pictures online sometime =) hopefully. but heres likea big update..
tODAy.> Today i dressed out adnt then i got checked out about 3 to go tot the docter.. so then that lasted forever! and then me & m0m went to eat and then to drop off some perscroptions & then i had vball pratice.. which was okay but i had to run every single time =( !
boys.> i dont have a boyfriend.. but i dont care right now ! im just enjoying being single and letting whoever come to me! =) like megan B said!
sch0ol.> okay okay . i got g0od grades on my last report card. our 2nd block is getting harder/a lil bit easier 1st block.. boring haha spanish.. last block is mostly fun BAND YAY . i [pratice every now & then but we usually lay around haha!
friends.> i LOVE them ALL to DEATH! =) theyre great =) im closer to some of them now!
family.> douign great i love them all and i just love them haah* =)
but thats it for now.. i want some c0mments haha* =)
i love my girLS .> ew lh be kt rh ll mb cb