Oct 21, 2007 19:17
So. A month or two ago, Capcom announced that it would... well, be making a huge announcement. This started the Street Fighter IV rumors flying again, as they always do when Capcom seems to be up to something. But it's been years since Street Fighter 3, and with each announcement, we were treated to nothing but disappointment.
Capcom promised this one would be huge though, so imagine my dismay when I loaded up my usual video game news blog and saw screenshots of the next-gen Bionic Commando.
And then I scrolled down a little ways and saw the trailer for Street Fighter IV. All is now right in the world!
So, where is the series going? The trailer only shows a stylized version of Ryu and Ken fighting, so I have no idea if the roster is going to be composed of old favorites, new faces (ala New Generation) or an equal mixture of both. Older versions of classic characters would certainly be a welcome addition, and I'm intrigued to see where Ryu is going as a character. An even better question, though: Is this game going to be 2D or 3D? The trailer is 2D, but that's just a trailer, it's not meant to represent gameplay. Despite the amazing things that the next-gen consoles can do with 2D, few developers like to use that processing power for something non-polygonal. 3D graphics with 2D gameplay MIGHT be a possibility, but who knows? It's still a year or so off, but at least we can rest easy now. Street Fighter IV is official.
street fighter iv