Feb 12, 2007 10:38

Please to be backstorying with Bryant in the comments!

Player Information
Name: Lena
LJ Username: lenabee
Contact Info:
AIM - heylenabee
email -

Character Information
Name: Bryant Dillon Sawyer (also called Bry)
LJ Username: brysawyer
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 7th
Age: 17
Birthdate: August 20
Zodiac Sign / Description: Leo

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and rules the back, the spine, and the heart. Positive traits include creativity, charisma, generosity, warmth, enthusiasm, a natural talent for leadership, and a great deal of inner power; negative traits are haughtiness, snobbery, an expectation that one is the centre of attention and should be waited on by everyone else, profligacy, lack of realism, dominance that can lead to bullying, and a refusal to change one's mind even in the face of solid facts.

Although this might seem like a strange sign for Hufflepuffs, Hufflepuff Leos do exist. Many become the prefects of their House when they reach the proper age, for they are good with other people, have a fine sense of initiative, and have the nobility of spirit to see that the right thing gets done at all times. They like to set a good example for others - the phrase "noblesse oblige" probably sums it up well (nobility imposes obligation). Generous to a fault, they will give everything they have (be it money, energy, or loyalty) to anyone who needs it.

Bloodline: Muggleborn
Heritage: English

Mother: Marilla Alcott Sawyer Pitt, 38, Freelance Photographer & 100% Muggle.
Mari was born in a small town in Connecicut where she lived until she was 13. AT that time, her father got a job overseas and the family moved to London where she has lived ever since. She worked as a barmaid while she was a Uni student and it was during this time she met and had a tumultuous affair with Richard Pitt. The affair yielded a son - Jeremy - who Richard convinced her to give up and let him raise. Lacking the resources to raise a child on her own, she caved under his pressure and agreed to the arrangement and didn't see either of them until just recently when she ran into Richard at Hogwarts.

The Christmas after Jeremy was born (a few months after his birth), Mari unwisely got drunk at a Christmas party and ended up sleeping with Anthony Sawyer (who was not above taking advantage of a drunken classmate nice guy, eh?). It was unplanned and she was unprepared and as a result of her bad judgement there, she ended up pregnant again. Under pressure from both of their families, she and Tony were married. That child is Bryant. She has three other children from Tony - 15 year old Sammy, 11 year old Isabelle(aka Izzy), and 8 year old Kenny.

For her part, she did love Tony at first, but Tony was too in love with himself and his career to ever truly return the sentiment. She's long ago fell out of love with him, but she stayed for her children, to give them a better life. Just over a year ago, Tony passed away after storming off during an argument, something Mari still has some guilt from. Richard was very much there for her and her children, and though Mari has struggled with Bryant's hatred of both Jeremy and Richard, she found herself quickly falling for the man all over again and the two were remarried this past Christmas.

Father: Tony Sawyer, deceased, former newspaper tycoon
Tony was the stereotypical rich asshole. When he saw something he wanted, he just took it and that included Bryant's mother. While he never loved her in the truer sense of the word, he was deeply infatuated with her. He saw his chance when she got drunk at a holiday party they were both attending and he seduced her. When the tryst resulted in a child, he quickly proposed, pleased that he had not only a way to tie her to him, but also an heir to his successful newspaper business.

Just over a year ago, Tony passed away, leaving his entire business to his son Bryant. His hope always was that his son would get over this whole stupid delusion that he was magical and come to work for the family business. Leaving it to him in his will was partly his way of ensuring he had little choice in the matter.

Guardian: Richard Pitt, along with Mari, 42, Department of Mysteries.
During his mid-twenties, Richard and some friends stopped at a Muggle pub for Merlin knows what reason. (It had seemed like a good idea at the time) He met and began an affair with one of the waitresses there, which resulted in his first son, Jeremy. Richard was ashamed at having been with a Muggle and he didn't want the world at large to know, so he manipulated her into giving up the child. Mari was a college student with little to no money and he found it easy to charm her into believing he would give Jeremy a far better home than she could, using the wizarding world to hide from her once he'd gotten his way.

Sometime after all of this, he met and married his first wife, though it was a marriage of convenience for their families and not one of love. He's only ever touched his wife to produce their two children or when they've been drunk.

Nevertheless, everything went according to plan - Jeremy wanted for nothing and no one knew his true parentage - until Richard ran into Mari at at King's Cross as they were both picking up their children from the Hogwarts Express. After a heated exchange that resulted in him being slapped, they spoke a bit more civilly and Richard realised that not only had he been wrong to keep her from their son, but that he still had feelings for her after all these years. Since then, he began to actively pursue a rekindling of their prior relationship, even though they were both married.

When Mari's husband died, Richard all but moved in to be there for her and her children -until she forced him to leave a couple of weeks after most of her brood had gone back to Hogwarts. He went back home, but promptly asked his wife for a divorce (in which she got custody of their two boys), realising that now that he has Mari in his life again, a loveless marriage just isn't enough for him anymore.

Less than a year later, he and Mari were married and Richard has never been happier. Bryant is, of course, revolted by this and considers it a betrayal of his father's memory.

Jeremy Pitt, 18, 7th Year Slytherin (half-sibling)
Samuel Sawyer, 15, student/non-magical
Isabelle Sawyer, 11, 1st Year at Hogwarts
Kenny Sawyer, 8, student/non-magical so far
(who I totes was not planning on offering to kill off just so I could say "you killed Kenny, you bastards!)

Personal History:
Bryant was born the first of four children to Anthony and Marilla Sawyer near Muggle London. His younger sister Izzy is a first year Gryffindor, at Hogwarts and his brothers (Sam, 15 and Kenny, 8) attend Muggle schools. Bry is a good kid - though he seems to be a bit lazy. Really, he's just resigned to the life his father has mapped out for him and doesn't see the point to working towards anything else. When it's something he actually wants, he's not afraid to work for it. During the summer between 5th and 6th year he has learned that he has yet another brother - seventh year Slytherin Jeremy Pitt - who he completely despised even before finding out they were related. Feeling like Jeremy is taking over his role as "big brother" has only made this resentment grow.

During winter holidays of his 6th years, Bry's father passed away. He left the house for the office after an argument over the broom Jeremy had gotten Izzy for Christmas and he never game back. Does Bryant irrationally blame Jeremy for his father's death? You bet your ass he does.

To say he was furious when, during winter holidays of this year, his mother married Jeremy's dad is an understatement. He hates that they're all just one big happy family now and he really hates that a part of him might almost like Jeremy if he didn't have such an unfair and irrational bias towards him.

Prior to entering Hogwarts, Bry was pretty much a pompous, rich, spoiled snob. He gradually lost that attitude during his first year at Hogwarts, though a bit of the arrogance is still there and comes through from time to time, particularly when he is dealing with people who knew him at his old school, but most of the time he is easygoing and friendly. He has his fair share of friends and acquaintances and gets on quite well with most of his classmates, though he does have an unfair negative bias towards Slytherins.

Bryant is loyal to a fault when it comes to his family. He places their needs above his own, often sacrificing what he wants both to please his parents and to protect his siblings, to give them the choices he doesn't feel he has in life. Taking over for his (now deceased) father is the last thing Bryant wants, but his sense of duty to the family and his wish to keep his younger siblings from being pushed to such a thing are what drive him to acquiesce. He is even protective of Jeremy in that if someone is unfairly bullying the boy or trying to seriously hurt him, he would do his best to protect him from that. Of course, he'd be annoyed with himself later and continue to insist he does not care about the boy.

Bryant might come off as lazy, but, really, he just doesn't much see the point of his studies at Hogwarts. NEWTs will do him little good in his Muggle life after school, so he doesn't see the point of studying and is opting to focus on having fun while he can.

Bryant also feels a strong sense of loyalty to his friends, especially those he feels closest to. He's not exactly the type to jump into action, but he will definitely bend over backwards to help a friend in need. This loyalty can also often lend to taking a friends side without knowing all the facts. It doesn't even matter if that friend is in the wrong, he will support him or her, regardless of if they are actually right or wrong.

Something not a lot of people see is that Bry is actually quite sentimental. Family and loved ones come first with him and though he presents a casual and friendly exterior to most of the world, he's known to get a bit emotional or sentimental around those he cares about.

Physical Description: Tall (over 6 feet easily), dark hair, light skin, hazel eyes with occasional flecks of green or blue.

Preferred Body Model: Bryan Greenberg

Hobbies and talents:
Pranking and... umm, that's pretty much it. Pranking and hanging out with his mates. He enjoys quidditch, but he hasn't played enough to be any good at it and he still thinks Muggle sports are more fun to play/watch. He'll take a good Rugby or Football match over Quidditch any day. This doesn't mean he doesn't LIKE quidditch, he just tends to like the things he's GOOD at over anything else and his skills at Muggle sports have been refined from years of playing them before he even learned he was a wizard.

He has no ambition at all, save to have fun and enjoy his youth for as long as he can. He barely pays attention in class and that's when he bothers to go, though he does seem to understand where to draw the line just enough to avoid getting into major trouble. Bryant doesn't deal well with criticism and he gets moody when he's not the center of attention. He can definitely be a bit self-centered and while some might find it cute, it can easily get out of control.

Put simply, Bryant is a bit of a pompous ass. He's not nearly as bad as he used to be, or he at least manages to keep his snobbery in check, but there are moments that it comes shining through, especially in an argument with someone.

Best subjects: Charms, Transfig, COMC
Worst subjects: Potions, Herbology, HOM, Astronomy

Broom: None right now. His father would never allow it when he was alive and now he doesn't really want/need one. He's not good enough at quidditch to make the team, unless the captain got really desperate, though I want to say he's tried out and FAILED a few times.
Wand:11 inch Cedar with a dragon heartstring core

List of classes for current year:
Charms, DADA, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures

Magical Stuffs
Patronus (for fifth years and older):
A Coyote, which represents Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival
What would your character smell if they sniffed Amortentia (the love potion)? Something sporty, probably the scent of that perfect springtime air when the weather is perfect for just goofing off outside and enjoying a good pickup game of rugby or football.
Do you think your character is capable of successfully employing a Cruiciatus Curse? Why or why not?
Not even against Jeremy, because while he despises the boy, he doesn't hate even him quite that much.
Describe how your character would react, in the form of a sample RP, if faced with a Dementor.
There were times when Bryant was just a bit too cocky for his own good and this was one of those times. Despite the cold feeling that came over him, he was confident he could do this, that he could take this thing down. No ruddy dementor was going to get the better of him. He was better than that!

The trouble was that as he stood there with wand raised, Bryant couldn't really think of a sufficiently happy memory. The pranks he'd pulled, times with family, none of them were quite powerful enough, because the truth was that Bryant had never been quite that kind of happy.

And the longer he searched, the worse that sense of despair crawling over his skin felt, the colder the air around him got.

Dumbledore's man, through and through. He is, obviously, not for the killing of people like him.

Requests: Nope, nothing.

Players: Please leave your comments here! Be sure to list reasons for objections, and don't forget to separately approve or reject any special requests! Thank you!
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