Greetings and salutations. I'm still alive and kicking. Sorry I haven't been around much, trying to get a handle on RL chaos.
For those of you who may not be aware, I'm planning (hoping!) to host a plushie-making workshop with
laser-radiation at
wincon '11. To this end, I am brushing off my rusty sewing skills by trying my hand at sewing a number of Fandom-related Plushie Characters (Most of which will probably be donated to the Wincon charity auction to go in prize baskets).
The first fandom I've focused on is Doctor Who (more fandoms to come). So far I'm planning two prize baskets, one circa s5, the other general New Who.
s5 Who basket o'plushies:
* Eleven - Raggedy Doctor
* Eleven - red Bowtie/suspenders and tweed jacket
* Eleven - blue Bowtie/suspenders and tweed jacket
* Eleven - wedding tux
* Amy - wee bb Amelia Pond
* Amy - Police Kissagram
* Amy - Red sweater and miniskirt
* Amy - black jeans, black jacket, blue shirt, red scarf and fingerless gloves
* Amy - Wedding gown
* Rory - nurse scrubs w/gray hoodie
* Rory - stag night/Venice outfit
* Rory - Centurion
* Rory - wedding tux
* River Song - Byzantium gown
* River Song - Pandorica Opens outfit
* Weeping Angel
General New Who basket o'Plushies:
* Nine
* Ten
* Eleven
* Rose - pink hoodie
* Rose - turn left outfit
* Martha - Poison Sky labcoat outfit
* Martha - Shakespeare outfit
* Donna - UatW Flapper outfit
* Donna - Doctor!Donna outfit
* Master - Saxon
* Master - blond
* Captain Jack Harkness
* Jenny - Doctor's Daughter
* Amy - Red sweater and miniskirt
* Rory - stag night/Venice outfit
* Weeping Angel
* Cyberman
* Dalek
Pictures to come. I'm taking the first step by drawing them on paper, so I can get an idea of what fabrics/colors I'll need, then over the next week or two I'll start sewing these as I start making plans for the other fandoms and plushies I want to make.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Snide remarks? Leave 'em in the comment section below.