In two weeks I will be standing beside stars and smiling for pictures. I still haven't decided what to wear *feels the beginnings of panic setting in*
Sent payment for a ticket to WriterCon. *squee* Several of my favorite writers will be there. T'will be awesome.
YHU is officially re-opening in four days, and I still don't have all the images finished for the new forum. Looks like Monday I'll be hitting the computer labs.
Erg. Headache. Unfun. Sodium is bad, leads to headaches and sickly flushing.
Found my fic notes again. Am planning to get some chapters out before WriterCon ^_^ We'll see if I can lure the muses back.
Abby and Roz still aren't the best of friends, but at least they aren't hissing all the time. Abby has a bad habit of not letting me sleep - she'll keep licking me or biting me or head-butting me. Often have to close the door so she can't get in. But she's gained most of her weight back and the wound is all healed up and her fur grown in, so that is of the good.
I have been away from LJ too long. I'm having trouble remembering the cut tag code.
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Fire CrotchPeople Iced:ThirteenCar Bombs Planted:ThreeFavorite WeaponPotato GunArms Broken:FifteenEyes Gouged:ElevenTongues Cut Off:ThirteenBiggest Enemy:Twitch
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