All along the what now?

Mar 26, 2007 02:43

OK, I haven't seen anything since "Maelstrom," but I figured I may as well watch tonight since my chances of getting spoiled (not by y'all, but by some of the comms that I still somewhat inexplicably have friended) seemed extremely high. I still have some blanks to fill in, though, so forgive me if anything I say here seems stupid.

Uh. Holy shit. Anders, Tigh, AND Tyrol? (I care less about Tory, since I have no objection to her but no particular affinity with her, either.) Is that really possible? And would they really have given us four of the final five? I have to hand it to them, that was an intriguing--if upsetting--twist. I'm very curious to see where they go with it. I was also intrigued by the connection between Roslin and Six and Sharon. I have no idea what it means, but it was interesting.

But TIGH. YOU GO WITH CHOOSING YOUR OWN DESTINY, TIGH. Remember when I didn't like Tigh? Yeah, me neither.

And Lee. LEEEEEEE. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. That was a helluva long speech, and I kept feeling like I should be rolling my eyes, but Jamie did an excellent job with it, and so much of it was exactly what a lot of us have been saying on and off over the past couple of years, I found it really gratifying. I especially loved that he brought back the Olympic Carrier--not only do I find it very Lee-like that he would still be haunted by the guilt of that (among other things) all this time later, but I also like how it brought us back to the very beginning of the series, stretched the canvas of what he was talking about all the way out to encompass the entire show. Nice touch. And I am always a sucker for Lee the Idealist, the big-picture guy, and I honestly think that's an important role for someone to fill on this show; not that he needs to be perfect and infallible, but he is very smart and he's very good with abstract concepts and he's also good at applying them to specific situations. So I like to see him using those skills, and see the writers remembering he has those skills. And seeing him jump right back in his Viper despite having resigned his commission made me all warm and fuzzy. LEE. YOU WERE TOTALLY AWESOME IN THIS EPISODE.

I also loved that, while Baltar wiggled off the hook yet again, he's still very, very screwed when it comes to the majority of the fleet. I've said it a million times, but James Callis is amazing--he gives us this fantastic combination of odious and arrogant and weak without ever becoming entirely unsympathetic (at least, not since partway through S1, IMO). So impressive.

And Kara! Hi, Kara! And she found Earth. She's been busy on her vacation! And aww, I'm glad Lee found her. Of course. I was half-expecting wing-waggling, but maybe next season. When I'm 80 years old, which is apparently how long it's going to be till next season?

And finally, never, ever use actual rock music on BSG again, please. When Tigh first said, "There must be some kind of way out of here," I figured it must be an inside joke. And then "there's too much confusion here," and I was like, oh no, they're actually deliberately using "All Along the Watchtower." And that is just weird and wrong.

Anyway. This show continues to be great at beginnings and endings. Let's hope they can sustain the middle a little bit better next season.

Man, I'm so going to regret this tomorrow. Or rather, in a few hours. When I have to get up.


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