I swear that I am working on what keeps me miles away

Mar 05, 2007 09:09

This is probably way redundant at this point, since this is already being recced up one side of my friendslist and down the other (and deservedly so), but I am reccing it, too, because I love it so. You Can Call Me..., a due South vid by sdwolfpup that I've probably watched (in various stages) about forty times over the past couple of weeks and it fills my heart with joy every single time. This is Ray Vecchio and Ray Kowalski and Benton Fraser, this is how they change each other and the world around them, this is my show, and I love it. So go, watch, feedback!

Also, though I am still stuck back on "The Woman, King," I did watch BSG last night because I'd heard that I should. And I used to be smart and be able to analyze things intelligently, but all I can seem to muster these days is emotional response, so my emotional response was, in a nutshell, what. The fuck. Ever. I mean, I'm sure Kara's not dead; RDM et. al. aren't that stupid. So maybe she's a Cylon or maybe there's some miracle rescue in store, and either way, I'm not that thrilled about it (especially if she's a Cylon; I know that has interesting storytelling possibilities but that has never been a story that I, personally, am interested in hearing about). It frustrates me that BSG seems to continually substitute cataclysmic events for actual character growth.

There were things I liked; I liked finding out more details about Kara's mother and her past, even if it was painful, and I was glad to see Kara be able to lay some of her emotional trauma to rest--whether or not her mother deserved her loyalty, it was important to Kara, so that worked for me. I liked Callum Keith Rennie's back. I liked Katee Sackhoff's collarbone. (Oh, like you didn't notice.) I liked the Kara and Lee stuff quite a bit, even if the "that's all we'll ever be" annoyed me. (Yes, that's all you'll ever be if you both continue to be complete pussies about the entire situation and insist on creating your own drama. NOT THAT I HATED THAT STORYLINE.) And Adama's reaction at the end killed me.

Basically, if this was two years ago, I think I would have been a lot more intrigued by these events than I am now. As it is, I am just tired of the OMG shocking surprises!, and don't have a lot of faith in the show's ability to pay them off.

I'm going to try working at work today. Should be an interesting change!

bsg, due south, recs

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