Feb 28, 2007 14:48

I am so bored, you guys. SO BORED. I've been trying not to read fic at work because I suddenly got paranoid that someone would find out and I would have to explain why, exactly, I was using company resources to read gay threesome pr0n on company time, and that would be, you know, awkward. But now I'm boooooored. Doesn't anyone else want to answer questions for me? Come on, I know you do! OR you are free to entertain me in other ways. I have nothing but pages and pages of unwritten documentation staring me down, and it is not a pleasant prospect.

Last night I dreamed that it was New Year's Eve, and I was at someone's house (sdwolfpup's, I think?) and I wasn't drinking much (I remember being vaguely annoyed about that), but I fell asleep in a chair (in the dream) and woke up in the morning and Callum Keith Rennie was there, just hanging out. And I was like, wow, that's ironic, because there are much bigger CKR fangirls out there than I am, and yet, here he is, randomly hanging out with me. This is apparently what happens when I write Kowalski fic before bed?

Seriously. SO BORED.


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