First of all:
fahye, thank you for the adorable Christmas card!
And now, the Fic Year in Review.
Persephone Walks (BSG, Kara and Lee and an Adama cameo, PG) - written for
raffaella as a Christmas gift
Ship to Ship (BSG, Kara and Lee, PG)
Every New Leaf (Firefly/Serenity, Mal/Inara, R) - written for the
truthsome_fic ficathon
Cynosure (BSG, Lee and Laura, PG) - written for the Lee/Laura Fixathon
Wrestle the Angel (Firefly, Simon and River with cameos by the rest of the crew, PG-13 for violence) - written for the Sweet Charity auction
Let's Play Two (Supernatural, Sam and Dean, PG-13 for language)
Following Seas (BSG, Adama and Tigh, PG) - written for
sdwolfpup as a birthday gift
Steady Rollin' Woman (Supernatural, Dean and Sarah and a Sam cameo, PG-13 for language) - written for the Why Can't We Be Friends Ficathon
Caesura (Supernatural, Dean/Layla ficlet, PG) - written for
thomasina75 as a birthday gift
Looking For What You Knew (Supernatural, Sam and Dean, PG-13 for language)
Rest Ye Merry (due South, Fraser and Vecchio, PG) - written for
sdwolfpup as a Christmas gift
Geometry Problem (Supernatural, Dean drabble, PG) - written for
poisontaster as a birthday gift
Heart Held Out Like a Tin Cup (due South, Fraser/Vecchio, NC-17) - collaboration with
sdwolfpup And the Next Day Would Be Christmas (Supernatural, Dean and Sam and John, PG-13 for language) - written for an
spn_Christmas prompt (OK, technically this was posted in 2007, but I wrote most of it in 2006 so I'm counting it here!)
Overall Thoughts - Well, you can certainly see the progression of my fannish interests. :) This was a year of firsts for me: I finally dared to sign up for some ficathons, and I discovered that while I can write on request and write to a deadline, doing both of those things at the same time is extremely difficult for me. Heh. I also co-modded a ficathon with
asta77, which was very fun and very rewarding. And I popped my slash cherry, though I had considerable help from
sdwolfpup on that one, which was also my first completed collaboration, and way, way more fun than I had ever anticipated. Writing is usually such a solitary experience, and to be able to live in the same story-space with someone else was wonderful. All in all, some excellent learning experiences. :)
Writing in so many different fandoms was also an interesting experience. Fourteen fics in four different fandoms (or fifteen and five, if you count the unfinished Jim/Pam fic that I started which then got Jossed by the show) is a lot of jumping around for me, though I know there's more than one person on my f-list who can match that output in a couple of weeks. Heh. It's just that I have to get myself into a specific headspace for each different fandom, and that takes time, and all the switching back and forth was difficult. But it was also educational.
My favorite of my own stories this year:
Hmm, tough call. (Hey. I write them. Of course I enjoy them.) At the moment, I am quite fond of "Ship to Ship," "Looking for What You Knew," and "Rest Ye Merry," and the second half of "Every New Leaf."
My best story this year:
Heh. You tell me! I got more comments on "Ship to Ship" than I've ever gotten on a fic, which was hilarious because the process of that was so difficult for me (more on that later).
Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
"Heart Held Out Like A Tin Cup." I'm not ashamed to say that I freaking love that fic, and I'm really proud of it.
Most fun story:
Collaborating with SDW on "Heart Held Out" was, like I said, incredibly fun and rewarding. I also had a ton of fun writing "Let's Play Two" and "Rest Ye Merry"-for me, there's a unique joy to writing my first fic in a new fandom, where I'm usually in that first flush of love with the show and the characters and I don't have to worry about re-treading ground I've already covered. And I would hope that those last two are fun in terms of content, as well. :)
Story with single sexiest moment:
I wrote a lot of gen this year, but... Probably Fraser shoving Ray against the wall in "Heart Held Out," or the Mal/Inara kiss at the end of "Every New Leaf." The moment where Ray first sees Fraser in "Rest Ye Merry" was also very sexy in my head, Fraser standing there being all hot and contemplative and Fraser and Ray having to stick his hands in his pockets to keep himself from jumping him, and then Fraser catching that click of connection when he turns to look at Ray. But I'm pretty sure that didn't all come across in the writing. Heh.
Hardest story to write:
"Ship to Ship" gave me no end of hell, to the point where I sent my first draft off to the always-wonderful
danceswithwords for beta and then literally could not stand to look at it for several days, which never happens to me. The structure of that was really difficult, trying to vary the rhythm and express everything I needed to through the very limited POV (and when I realized I'd set myself up in a very similar situation in "Steady Rollin' Woman," with Dean being blind, there was much swearing-hee). So I was unbelievably thrilled that so many other people liked it. "Wrestle the Angel" was also really difficult, just because I wasn't really feeling the prompt, which is always the danger in ficathons, I guess. It's one of the few fics where I didn't agonize over the number of comments, I was just like, "Yeah, that's OK, I don't like it all that much, either." Hee. (I mean, I did my best, and I don't mean any offense to my requestor-it was just one of those things.)
Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Writing "Following Seas" made me love Tigh more than I ever had before, and "Steady Rollin' Woman" made me a die-hard Sam/Sarah 'shipper. And again, the collaboration on "Heart Held Out," seeing Ray and Fraser through SDW's eyes, was a neat experience.
Most unintentionally "telling" story:
I would guess that all my fics are telling about me in various ways. "Let's Play Two" has more of my personal experiences in it than anything else I've written, so there's that. (If anyone wants to offer any votes for this one, I'd be curious!)
Biggest disappointment:
The first half of "Every New Leaf." I like the individual elements, but I'm not sure they all came together very well-it's not quite like it was in my head. I'm also really sad that my Jim/Pam fic got Jossed, because I was all excited about writing it.
Biggest surprise:
Well, like I said above, I was very pleased at how many people responded so well to "Ship to Ship." Same with "Rest Ye Merry," just because it was my first fic in the fandom and I knew that I had enjoyed writing it and I was hopeful that SDW would like it, but beyond that, I had no idea what to expect.
Total number of words written (including half of the collaboration):
About 46,500, not counting about 4K in unfinished stuff sitting on my hard drive. Wow. That's more than I expected. Six SPN, four BSG, two DS, and two Firefly/Serenity. Number of titles taken from Jeffrey Foucault songs: three. Number of titles taken from Led Zeppelin songs: two. Hee.
Happy New Year, everyone!