But then who would watch my TV?

Oct 05, 2006 12:53

Y'all, I have too much good TV to watch. Heroes, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, SPN, and BSG, and The Office if I decide I can't wait till the DVDs come out, and that is just… that is a lot of TV, yo. Maybe Heroes will start sucking so that I can abandon it. Hee.

So this puts me in the position of having so much stuff to post about that it feels overwhelming just thinking about it. My trip to Denver last week was fantastic; I hope to post pics at some point, and maybe some more detail about the trip and my ridiculously adorable niece, but overall, it was a really good time. Another nice side-benefit was that on the trip out there, on the plane, I caught the S2 finale of The Office (I know, starting waaaay in the middle, but it was right in front of me and I couldn't not watch), and was promptly hooked. More on that later.

An amusing semi-fannish moment from my trip: I have an insanely hot Dean Winchester wallpaper on my laptop, and I was showing my parents a slideshow of some pics I took, and when I closed the browser and the desktop came up, my mom literally gasped. HEE. The text on the wallpaper says "Holy water in my lungs / I am overcome" and my mom was like, "I'm overcome, too!" and I was like, "I KNOW." Hilarious.

I finally finished my Friendship Ficathon fic, and now I get to read everyone else's. Yay! This has been so much fun, and I am pleasantly surprised at the number of people who were so punctual with their entries (I, obviously, am not one of those people-heh). Some people even wrote multiple fics! It is awesome.

A few brief TV thoughts: Heroes has potential, I like the vast majority of the characters, and I think if it doesn't get caught up in its own cool, it could be really neat. I do wonder whether it would work better as a miniseries, maybe, and I wish they would stop whacking us over the head with how epic the story is, and right now the fractured nature of the storyline is making me feel a little bit like we're not getting anywhere, since we get such small chunks of everyone's stories, but otherwise, I'm well-pleased.

OK, I hate the new version of the titles song. BOO. But man, it was so good to see these characters again. I was saddened by the lack of Weevil, and I'm still annoyed that we apparently skipped over all the reconciliation between Veronica and Logan, but otherwise, I loved it. I spent the whole episode going, "Keith! Mac! Wallace! Logan!" as everyone was (re)introduced. And the BSG shout-out was hysterical. And Veronica and Keith, and Veronica and Mac (SO MUCH LOVE for that first scene with them, their friendship just palpable), and Veronica and Wallace, and Wallace and Piz ogling women, and Veronica and Logan, and I kind of like Piz, even. And they made me feel sorry for Dick, man. And had an actually really sweet moment between Logan and Dick, and yes. Overall, awesome. Snarky Veronica, I have missed you.

I feel compelled to point out, though, that I used to live in Beaverton, OR, and it is not, nor has it been for years, the kind of tiny, mom-and-pop suburb that Piz suggested it was. It's pretty much an endless series of strip malls. And I always locked my car when I lived there.

And I promised danceswithwords that I would post about Jim The Office, so . Wow. I love this show. Just a fantastic cast, every single person in it. Michael reminds me of a former boss of mine, to a frightening degree. The total delusion that he is the world's coolest boss, the asshat things he says and then tries lamely to cover for, it's freaky. (When he plays that dumbass joke on Pam in the first episode, tells her she's going to get fired, and she's like, "You're a jerk!" and he's like "Well, I don't know about that," and Steve Carell just nails the whole "I am incredibly uncomfortable and yet I am trying to play it off and totally failing"-so painful to watch, but OMG, I have seen people do exactly that. And then Ryan can't even make eye contact, and dude. Perfect.) And Dwight is exactly like someone that Mr. McK works with, so obsessed with his title and building his tiny, insignificant kingdom, it kills me.

And then, you know. Jim. And Pam. And Jim/Pam. First of all, it's a brilliant move to put them in the middle of all these freak shows, because they're such viewpoint characters for the audience, and they keep everything grounded. They're kind of rare in the TV world in that these are people I would actually enjoy hanging out with in RL. They also lend some actual emotional depth to the show, which is kind of surprising for a comedy like this, and it's a great touch. I love Pam's deadpan sense of humor, and the way she consistently refuses to let Michael throw her under the bus, and Jenna Fischer is just perfectly adorable in a very "average, yet not" kind of way.

And Jim. Oh, Jim. He is like the platonic ideal of cute/quiet/dorky, the nice guy who deserves to get the girl (and could get a lot of girls, if the fangirls are any indication, and I include myself in that). I have to admit, I'd seen him in pictures and wondered what the big deal was, but as soon as you see him in action, it's basically impossible not to fall in love with him. He is so funny, and sweet, and he adores Pam and notices all the tiny things about her that we all wish boys would notice about us, and he is brilliantly diabolical about fucking with Dwight, and he is lethally cute, and I just can't stand it. Watching him and Pam reminds me of when I was working at Payless Drug in high school, and being able to work with the cute/quiet/dorky guy I had a crush on actually made me look forward to work, even though it was a completely crap job. SO MUCH LOVE. As DWW put it, Jim/Pam is on the John/Aeryn level of epic, OTP romance. I love it.

Anyone know where I can find a Jim icon that says "But then who would watch my TV?" I must have this.

SPN tonight! WOOO! The only good thing about hiatus is that I get that whole, "It's on again? Already? EEE!" feeling with all my shows when they come back. :) Now I just have to decide if I want to sack up/give in to my impatience and watch it tonight, or if I'm too skeeered and have to wait till daylight. Probably the former.

Words I love that SPN fandom has brought into my life on a regular basis: hotass, cockblocking. Because I am twelve.

Speaking of SPN fandom, I'm having a problem, here. I've been reading some pretty awesome meta on the show lately, and people are talking about Mithras and alchemy and all this other cool stuff, and I have a mythology kink like you would not believe (hello, BSG!), and I'm starting to wonder: maybe there's more to what the writers are doing than I'm giving them credit for. And if that's the case, then that is fucking awesome. I mean, I'm fine with the show being primarily just characters I like interacting with a backdrop of mainly goofy plots, but if it's more? That would make me so happy. And then I go, this is a show whose creator said his favorite scene of the first season was a plumber getting his hand blenderized in a garbage disposal (and I'm not spoiler-cutting for that because as soon as the scene starts, you know exactly how it's going to end, and that's the whole point). So maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up. ;) (Not to slam Kripke, 'cause I think he's awesome. I'm just saying.) It's a conundrum!

ONE DAY TILL BSG. It's been a loooooooong wait!

veronica mars, the office, bsg, supernatural, heroes

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