GIP! Courtesy of
sdwolfpup. OK, perhaps this needs a bit of explanation.
Here’s the thing: what is fandom, really, but the slow and inevitable erosion of any claim to sanity and boundaries you might once have had? Like, in my case, it started small. I could accept that writing fic was really fun even though it was not original work, but at least my fics used to have plots, and then Alias came along, and then BSG came along, and pretty soon I'm writing 6000-word fics in present tense where nothing happens. And then I'm like, you know, I don't see why we need to slash everyone, sometimes guys are JUST FRIENDS, and then the next thing I know I'm writing "Horatio+Archie 4EVA" with little hearts around it in my head. And then, OK, sometimes they're clearly not just friends, but RPF kind of makes me uncomfortable, these are real people after all, and… oh,
Jsquared. At least I'm holding strong against the incest thus far, but honestly, y'all, it makes me wonder. Maybe every squick is just a kink waiting for the right characters/writers to come along.
Hence this icon, because I can at least say with a fair degree of certainty that bestiality will never be my thing. So there you go. My line in the sand. No bestiality! That's just WRONG!
Unless it's yakfucking. Because that shit is funny.
ANYWAY. New TV EEEEEEEEEEE. Who watched Gilmore Girls last night? I'm kind of afraid. It got a scathing review in our local paper, and I'm all freaked out and saddened. GG is one of those shows that I'm not particularly fannish about, it doesn't take over my brain or anything, but I really enjoy it and I wasn't ready to say goodbye to it yet. So-without spoilers, please-how was the first step into the Palladino-less wasteland? I want to be prepared.
I discovered last night that the CW site (My eyes my eyes! Free to get a better color scheme!) has some interesting
"director's cut" video clips up for the season premieres of VMars and SPN. The VMars one is only very vaguely spoilery, and the SPN one is just spoilery enough to be intriguing, IMO. So check those out if you're so inclined.
SPN premiere tomorrow night!!!! I was going to do a whole pimping thing, picspam or top ten reasons you should watch or whatever (the first three are obvious), but I suspect you've all heard it before. So I will just say that I am so excited to see the Winchesters again, I can barely stand it, and if there is not another recap vid at the beginning of the episode, I will be sorely disappointed.
Quick note for the Friendship Ficathon participants: the deadline is Monday! As in six days from now! I'm heading out of town tonight to visit family in Colorado, and I won't be back until late Sunday night. I'll have email access, but I'm not sure how much opportunity I'll have to check it, so if you have any questions or concerns and I don't respond right away, that's probably why. You can also always contact
Finally, a couple of SPN fic recs.
I Will Return To You, by
poisontaster. Pre-series. The Impala reluctantly falls in love with a teenage John Winchester. There's a fair amount of Impala!fic in this fandom, but this is the best one by miles (see what I did there?). A POV that could have very easily been cheesy or overdone, but which is instead charming and funny and sweet and sad and incredibly compelling. And I adore Poisontaster's vision of John here, his dead-on youth and passion and confusion and some gorgeous parallels to various aspects of the series-this is totally canon in my head. It's fic like this that makes me love this fandom.
And also
A Little White Lie Here and There Never Hurt Anybody, by
trollprincess. Also pre-series. Twenty things Jessica Moore never told Sam Winchester. I adore this vision of Jess, smart and sweet and funny and sexy and affectionate, loving Sam so much while being aware of and accepting his issues. Trollprincess takes someone we only see brief glimpses of, yet who is so important to the series, and makes her a real, vibrant woman. Gorgeous.