Mar 07, 2006 09:11

Who has the new X3 trailer for me? I can't watch it on the official site on my work computer, since I don't have Quicktime. But I do have the VLC player, so if someone has somehow acquired a version...? PLEASE? Thanks, voleuse! SWEET. I'm psyched now.

I'm totally overwhelmed by the response to my last fic... thank you so much to everyone who commented. It's hilarious, because this is the only fic I've ever written where the process was so difficult that I literally could not stand to look at the first draft for, like, three days after I finished it. So I was very afraid that y'all would hate it as much as I did, and therefore all the supportive comments were very comforting. :)

I enjoyed BSG a lot, though I want to watch it again before I post any real thoughts. I will say, though, that it did feel like a lot of setup, so I'm reserving judgment until I've seen this Friday's episode, but I'm excited about where they might be going. And TYROL. Awwww, Tyrol. You kill me, man.

And baseball! I watched baseball this weekend! WOOOOO!!! And I secured my tickets to Opening Day from the car on the way to the dog park, at great risk to my life and others'. It was totally worth it.

ETA: Oh, and did I see somewhere that RDM is frustrated at the amount of finale spoilers that have been leaked? Are you fucking kidding me?! Is he just pissed that they beat him to it? God. Glass fucking houses, dude.

ranting, bsg, baseball, x-men

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