My first Veronica Mars post! Awww.

Feb 10, 2006 10:32

So, we watched "Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough" last night...

Wow. I didn't think I would ever not hate Jackie, but there you go. Nothing like a little Neptune-style public humiliation to bring out the sympathy. When Ms. Hauser made the comment about having notorious parents, I couldn't help wondering: does anyone in Neptune not have notorious parents at this point? And man, this show does public humiliation like no other. Getting stuck in the dunk tank in the cold isn't quite being taped to the flagpole, but it's pretty damn close… maybe even worse, because this is school-sanctioned humiliation. And Jackie, to her credit, bore it extremely well. I loved her bonding with Veronica in this episode, too, how quickly Veronica goes from disliking her to defending her. It's amazing how many friendships on this show are forged by "we have both experienced the same fucked-up situation." Heh. And it's a testament to the quality of the show that my belief is still firmly suspended; they've utterly sold me on this bizarre little universe.

There was not enough Wallace in this episode, but what there was, was awesome.

I adored Mac and Beaver, and not just their revenge on Dick, but the manner of it--that they use the exact geekiness/intelligence he's mocking to nail him exactly where he lives (i.e., his, well, dick). You know he's been jealous of Logan getting it on with Kendall, and it's just that much more priceless that Beaver is clearly aware of that, and uses it against him. AWESOME. And Mac and Beaver are cuter than a sack of puppies... long may they reign.

I also loved Weevil setting up Thumper, and using Veronica to do it-Veronica is very smart, but it's nice that she gets one-upped sometimes. And I'm really starting to like Clemmons, too, and the new mutual respect that's starting to develop between him and Veronica.

My husband called Ms. Hauser's involvement about a third of the way into the episode. I am not so smart.

And speaking of which, I naively thought that Hannah being the daughter of the guy who claimed to have called in from the bridge was just a coincidence. Clearly, I would fall for Logan's lethal charm and adorableness any day of the week and twice on Sunday. (Despite Jason Dohring's unfortunate hair choice.) I liked the sort of détente he and Veronica seemed to have reached in this episode, though, and I really appreciate that the writers are doing such a good job of developing storylines that don't center on Veronica. I thought Wallace's storyline with his dad was much more organic than the whole Rashard thing, but I really like what they're doing with Logan and Weevil, and how they're not just sitting around waiting for Veronica to show up so something interesting can happen.

The level of snark was fantastic in this episode, particularly on Logan's part, and made me despair of ever being able to write fic in this fandom.

Hands-down my favorite scene, though, was Cook admitting to Keith that he'd thrown a game. Not only did Enrico Colantoni rock that scene in every way, but that just got me right in the gut as a baseball fan. The thing about how he thought that maybe they lost because he wasn't there? I would do that. I would SO do that. And when he said he threw it in the playoffs, Mr. McK and I both went, "Ooooh." I can just feel that betrayal, finding out that your hero threw a playoff game-a deciding playoff game. I'd be devastated. And yet Keith is able to separate that betrayal from the much bigger sin of murder, and Colantoni sold the hell out of that, and it's still kind of giving me chills today.

The only thing I'm confused about is that either Cook switched leagues at some point in his career, or someone screwed up, because he was playing in the ALCS (the American League Championship Series) when he threw the game, meaning he was playing for an AL team, and pitchers don't hit in the AL. So three career home runs is possible for a National Leaguer, but it's pretty strongly implied that he plays for "Keith's" team, whatever that is (though they've implied before that it's the Padres, which makes sense, but again, they're National League), so yeah. That doesn't really make sense, which is too bad, because that entire scene had all the weight of being a baseball fan behind it, but the fact that they screwed up that detail took me out of it a bit. Oh well. Still an amazing scene.

To end things on a purely shallow note, it cracks me up that the UPN promos and stuff always show Jason Dohring in a sleeveless shirt. I'm sorry, he is definitely attractive, but it's primarily due to his charisma, and not to his upper body. He is no Jamie Bamber (or Ben Browder, for that matter). In fact, from what we've seen, he's not any Percy Daggs III, either. Hee. Ah well. He has other good qualities.

I still have no VM icons. Must remedy that.

Speaking of baseball, I got my paltry four-game season ticket package today... less than I'd like, but with ticket prices the way they are, that's about all we can manage at the moment. Still... yay! Baseball tickets! Now I just have to get tickets for Opening Day when single-game tickets go on sale, and I will be all set.

Also, this Johari window thing is interesting... it's a way of measuring how you see yourself vs. how others see you. Mine is here, if any of you think you can identify five or six adjectives to describe me and would like to play, and it gives you the opportunity to create your own, as well. I often think that most of us would be much happier if we could see ourselves the way others see us. Some people would likely get nasty surprises, but I think it would be a good thing for the majority. :)

veronica mars, baseball

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